Friday, June 13, 2008


Summer officially begins for us today at about 12:30. Today is the last day of school which lets out early. E did not go to school today because he picked up a stomach bug. He seems so prone to getting exposed to these bugs and they usually involve the stomach and puking. J woke up this morning and heard the obscene noise coming from the bathroom and ran down to see if E was sick. He quickly ran to the pantry where his candy is stashed and picked out something to give his brother. It is moments like this that just make my heart melt. J can be very stubborn but he can also be the sweetest little boy.

Baby T is another story. He so sweet and loving but into everything. We all have a hard time understanding why he has to put everything in his mouth. No joking, if it is within reach he will chew on it. In the bathroom he gets to the soap boxes. He uses his teeth to open the box and then takes the soap out. He then proceeds to bite the soap bar. I am going to have to think of another punishment for talking back when he gets older because I actually think he likes the taste of soap. He loves his big brothers and so wants to be like them. He gets the bat and tennis racket out with a ball. He doesn't really know what to do with them, but it is funny to watch him walk around with them in his hand.

I know you want to ask about the swingset progress. It is coming along. The husband was cruising along when he realized he lost a t-nut. Don't ask me what that is but it is vital to attach the rooftop to the play house. He really has most of it completed but not sure if it will totally be done by tomorrow. What is tomorrow you ask? The end of season baseball party at our house. We will swim and have lunch with about 12 kids and 6 or so adults.

Pictures will be posted soon.

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