Monday, April 25, 2011

Opening day

Baseball season is in full swing.  E and Jay have games on Wednesdays and Sundays with practices on Fridays and so far many Tuesdays.  As of now they have lost 2 games and won 1.

The Coach and his boys!
Jay pitching!
E playing second base....maybe.

The boys play well and seem to enjoy playing most of the time.  I think E tends to get a little anxious and decides he doesn't like baseball.  But as always he ends up doing fine.

They have played for the head coach for many years now.  I have really liked him and thought he has done a really good job with the kids.  I am really struggling with liking him this year.  I do realize he has invested a lot of time with the kids and wants to win but we are dealing with 8 and 9 year olds.  He tends to send emails after the games attacking the kids.  I could go on and on but I won't.  I hope it will get better.

Tee has started t-ball.  He has been so excited about playing.  He has been so upset when his practice/games get canceled, which has happened twice now.  His t-ball is on Thursdays and Saturdays.  Nice how it works out with E and Jays schedule. 

Tee in uniform.

Practicing batting!
Tee has a few boys on his team that are also in his preschool class.  It makes it a lot of fun for him.  He really seems to want to play t-ball.  Once I tell him it is time to start getting dressed for his game, he immediately runs upstairs and starts.  Maybe he will follow in his brother's footsteps.

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