Friday, December 4, 2009

First Quarter

Report cards came home a few weeks ago for all of the boys. First quarter has flown by.

Even Tee received a report from school. It was funny to read. Imagine this….he acts like a 2 year old. He still tends to play on his own a lot but listens and follows instruction. The biggest shock is that he is quiet in class. No wonder he talks non-stop with me. The teachers are great and he loves going to preschool.

Last week conferences were held for the boys. It is always nice to speak with the teachers to get their perspective of your child. We typically only meet with the home room teacher but I try to meet with their Math teachers at least one time during the year.

Both boys did well on their report cards. They both are a little ahead in Reading and Literature. They have a few things to improve for next quarter but over all they are doing well.

Jay’s home room teacher loves him. This is obviously a good thing for him. She is definitely strict but I feel is a very good teacher. His Math teacher this year is the teacher he had last year. He tends to be a little chatty in class but I think that the majority of the class is the same way. It is hard not to be sucked into a conversation here or there.

EE’s home room teacher is great as well. She thinks Ethan is a neat kid. She is surprised about his love of reading and his ability to comprehend so much. EE has to work on his penmanship.

I have 2 dilemmas with the school and EE. I will start with Math. We met with his math teacher. She is in her first year of teaching. She seemed a little disorganized. We were there to discuss math and she didn’t have any of his 1st quarter tests. She was able to pull up his scores on her computer but we couldn’t see them. She rattled off some numbers. I feel that he could be pushed a little harder in Math. He picks up on concepts very quickly. He could be moved into a class that is a bit faster paced. They review topics quicker and may take them a step further. My experience from last year was that the class was too easy for him and I feel like it is happening all over again.

I voiced my concern to the teacher and she said she would follow up with the other teacher. The other teacher already has 20 students whereas his current class is only 13. We are concerned that if we move him he will not do as well. We have talked with him about it and he does not want to change his Math class. He tells us that Math is his favorite subject.

I have followed up with the teacher because I never heard anything from her. He is on the agenda to be discussed at a team meeting soon. I wish I knew the right thing to do.

The other issue I have is with Media (Library) of all things. This has gotten out of hand and needs its own post.

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