Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh boyz.....

It seems as though there are big issues in 4th grade in regards to the boy's bathroom.  The problem seems to follow them year after year.

The bathrooms are located at the entrance to the 4th grade pod.  The pod has 3 closed classrooms and two open.  It appears that someone likes to clog the toilet on a daily basis.  The kids have lost out on recess time due to the bathroom issues. 

My boys think they know who is responsible for the over abundance of toilet paper in the toilet.  Yes, this child does have a behavior problem.  It would not surprise me but they don't have any proof. 

I was really shocked when the boys came home and told me that someone pooped on the bathroom floor.  How incredibly gross.  How does that happen?  Was it an accident or on purpose?  I guess if it was an accident, I could see a 4th grader being very embarrassed. 

A few days later, I was really grossed out.  Not only did someone poop on the floor again, they covered it with a piece of toilet paper and the janitor slipped and fell.  YUCK!

So now the boys have to go to the bathroom in pairs.  One goes in to use it while the other waits.  When the first one is done the second one goes in and check the bathroom. 

I am totally grossed out by the entire thing. 

This is concerning to me.  E does not like to use public restrooms.  He will hold it ALL day rather than subject himself to such filth.  I had to threaten him to use the bathroom during the day or I will email his teacher.  He does not want me to do that so I think that he has been ok.  I can tell he has not used the bathroom when he runs home from the bus and goes straight to the bathroom.  I watch out for this daily.


Tee and I were in the car the other day having a conversation.  He started talking about being able to walk dogs in order to earn money.  He really wants to make some money.  I thought wow, that is so cute.  My response was that he was too young to walk dogs to earn money.  He came back very quickly and said no, you walk the dogs and earn the money and give it to me.  Where does he come up with this stuff?  He cracks me up.

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