Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rainy and dreary

It is a rainy dreary day here today. The rain is supposed to be around for the next few days. It really does make me want to lay on the couch and watch TV. But I have things I need to get done especially writing here.

The rain has put me into a mood so this post is going to be about what drives me nutty, well maybe nuttier.

The boys are all waking up WAY too early for me. As I turned in bed, I could see Jay’s light on in his room and it was only 5:30. EE was up at a little after 6am and then Tee. Even if I am awake in the morning I really like to have time to fully wake up and watch a little news by myself. That has not happened much lately.

I don’t understand why people liter. I was leaving the ball field on Sunday. I turned around and this person threw trash out of his car and onto the ground. Where exactly do they think the trash will end up? And why would anyone think this was ok?

Tee had a play date with one of his friends in the neighborhood. We played at their house today. I really like the Mom a lot. However, it is hard to have a conversation with her because she is always tending to her child’s needs. I like to play here because we can be in the basement but the play room is hidden from the sofa area. The boys will go play and only come out every so often. I can’t tell you how many times I would start a story and not finish because she was interrupted. Very frustrating!

Do you know a crackberry addict? A crackberry addict is a person who owns a blackberry and must attend to the blackberry every time a vibration occurs. It doesn’t really matter where this person is or what he is doing. They stop in their tracks to attend to the vibrating that just transmitted on their phone. I live with an addict and sometimes I would like to toss the thing out the window.

Something happened the other day that really sent me into a tizzy. We have a neighbor who I have written about many times. She has a son in 2nd grade also. She is never really happy with anything and everything she does is to the extreme.

She does a lot of nice things for people and volunteers but she always has to make it a point to let you know what she has done. She gets gratification by praising herself. She is a nice person but I can only take a little bit of her.

She and her husband helped with basketball evaluations this past weekend. Her husband will be an assistant coach. They convinced the coach to draft my boys for their team. It is a 2 for 1 deal with them. She shared the information with me at the bus stop the other day. I really would have been ok with the boys NOT being on that team. Another season in which I will have to deal with her nuttiness.

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