Sunday, October 11, 2009

My first

I have been running for almost a year now. I have worked out on and off for many many years now. I have also at time run for my exercise. The last time I was serious about running was when the husband and I were together, before kids actually before we were married.

I decided to add running to my exercise regiment for a few reasons. Tee tends to get sick during the winter which mean I can't get to the gym. We purchased a treadmill about 9 months ago.

So I started running on the treadmill and worked my way up to about 7 miles over a long period of time. I had not been running outdoors until recently. My friend sparked an interest in running but she had to take some time to build endurance. Running in my neighborhood is very hard as there are so many hills. But I have been running outside as much as I can. My friend and I have been running together once a week either here or around a trail at a park.

We decided that we needed to work towards a goal so we signed up for a 5k. We ran the 5k this past weekend as part of the Baltimore Marathon. My time was 29 minutes and my friend came in just a bit after me at 31:33.

We had a nice time and now that we know what it is like we are thinking about signing up for another one. We may even consider doing a relay event with a few other ladies.

We were approached 4 or 5 times for a picture together. Here is one of them.


Unknown said...

I had no idea!! Good for you! I always thought you walked fast enough that you SHOULD run! : ) Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Waow!!! I am amazed at your accomplishment. Great Job! Ahlem