Friday, October 16, 2009

Color Wonder saves the afternoon

It has not stopped raining since yesterday. Constant drizzle. And it will be around through Sunday. In fact, they are calling for a snowy mix on Sunday. I have had to check my calendar twice, it is just October right?

The rain means we are stuck inside today. Did I mention school is out today? I was ready to pull my hair out by 9am. There has been nothing but crankiness and fighting all morning, except the 1 hour that I let the boys watch TV while I was running on the treadmill. This goes for all 3 boys.

I started laundry this morning. I went to change it over and as soon as I opened the washer I wanted to say a few choice words. Yes, once again I washed a pull up. This is so aggravating to me. I wash all of Tee's clothes together and I don't have to pick through them. I take them from the hamper to the basket and from the basket to the machine. I will have to put up a reminder note to look through his clothes.

We had to pick up my niece at lunch time to take her to get her car at the service place. She decided she would take us out to eat at the chicken place. I thought this would be a nice distraction for the kids. We ate and then the boys traded their toy for ice cream. Not everyone knows that you can do that. I kept hoping the play area would start clearing out. It was close to 1:30. The boys ended up finishing and we headed on over to the play area. It was crowded. Ee and Jay were not that interested in playing with so many people. Tee was a little uneasy as well. We let him play for a while and then decide to leave.

I thought since we were out it would be a good time to stop by the toy store for a few gifts. Tee's friend has a birthday coming up and the boys are invited to a party next weekend. It is for a female friend and I am not sure what to get for her. We may end up with gift cards, I always look for the safe gift. Tee did not want to go but I made him. I didn't find anything for either child. By this point I was frustrated and we left.

As we were driving home, Tee fell asleep in the car. Luckily, I was able to get him in bed right when we got home and he fell back to sleep. The moment I came to sit at my computer the other 2 started fighting again and being very loud. I tell them that their brother is sleeping and that they need to be quiet. Jay decides to go play the piano. I don't get it either. I looked over and saw the 2 color wonders (star wars) that I had purchased for a trip but never gave to the boys. They were so excited. They are sitting at the table quietly coloring. I am hoping this will buy me a little time this afternoon.

On my list for the weekend is to go to the craft store and get different crafts for the boys to do on a rainy/snowy day. They love it and it keeps them happy.

I am sure in a few hours the TV will be back on for a while. But for right now I am going to rest and maybe read one of my magazines.

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