Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The saga continues

The stomach bug that has remained a visitor. It appears to have a 2 day lag from one person to the next. The baby started on Friday late night and both Jay and I started Monday very early morning. Last night the husband and I were talking and we thought if he could just make it one more day he would be in the clear. But it seems as though this nasty bug will make its way though another one of us. The husband woke up this am not feeling so well and at last is officially sick with the bug.

I think EE is thinking something is wrong with me. I am constantly asking him if he is feeling ok. And last night when he asked for seconds I questioned if that was really what he wanted to do. I expected him to be sick last night or not feel well this morning. So as he was eating his rather large breakfast I made casual conversation with him. I told him if he ever felt like he was going to get sick in class that he should run to the bathroom and make sure he does it in the toilet. I confirmed with him that it was ok in that instance to not ask the teacher. He looked at me and shook his head in agreement. I know he is thinking that I am crazy, which could be true on some days.

My husband does a great job with the kids when I am not around. I can't say he always does things the way I would do them but none the less they get done. On Monday, when I was sick he was left to get EE ready for school, take care of Jay who was also sick, care for the baby who was still feeling the effects of his sickness, care for me AND try to do some work (including answering the gazillion phone calls that were made to him). A few things that made me chuckle:

In my semi-conscious state I thought to ask my husband if he made EE a lunch for school. He never even thought about it. My poor child would probably have done without because he would not have mentioned it to anyone.

The baby naps everyday, except on the few occasions in which he can't. He forgot to put the baby down for his nap. The baby has been sick and had about 5 or 6 blowouts that day. He could have used some down time.

Jay spent the entire morning watching the cartoon channel. You know I don't like my kids watching TV, much less the cartoon channel ALL DAY. Well, I finally said something to the husband on a trip he made upstairs and I think he ended up changing it to the Disney channel, a little better.

EE comes home from school and sees the TV on and starts to watch. I happen to mention to my husband that EE needs to do his homework.

He really is a great Dad. I am just glad that I can be the one that stays home with them.

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