Thursday, December 18, 2008

So glad tomorrow is Friday

When I was leaving the gym this morning after my workout. I looked at the car next to me and saw a dog in the front seat of this mini-van. The dog had a very comfy bed. I am wondering why the dog's owner thought it was necessary to have the dog wait in the car for him while he worked out. I would be taken to jail if I did that to my baby.

Friday will be the completion of my many commitments. It will also hopefully mean that there are less "things" in my house. I opened my mouth last year when my husband told me that they spent $300 on a department luncheon. I thought that it was too much money especially for what they got. On Monday, the husband called me from work to remind me of what I said last year and wondered if I would act on it. So I took the challenge. I will probably spend less than $200 and they will have more food. I have to get all the food together and take it up to work on Friday as well. The baby and I will stay for lunch.

I then will have to shift gears and get ready for the celebration at school at 2pm. I am helping out in EE's class but have all of the goodies for Jay's class. Luckily the classes are right across from each other. This past weekend I purchased all of the teacher gifts. That is right I collected for both classes. The other room Mom is putting a basket together for Jay's teacher and I am putting one together for EE's teacher. I got them gift cards to some of their favorite places. I also collected for the bus driver. I was a little upset that the person only collected $25 for him last Christmas. That is ridiculous....there are about 40 kids who get on the bus at our stop. I was able to collect $105 for him. He is such an awesome bus driver and keeps control of all the kids.

My last task for today is to finish baking cookies. I have baked some this week but I need to finish tonight. My niece who has been with us since July is going back home. We have enjoyed having her here and are going to miss her terribly. She is such a big help with the kids. She has decided at this point and time she does not want to be in school any more (4 years was enough). She will move back home and try to find a job. My sister will be here today and they will drive back to Florida on Friday. My hope is to have them take all my delicious goodies home. One less package to mail. I have 3 packages I hope to have mailed out on Saturday morning.

Why I am I sitting writing on this blog.....I am not sure. I have a huge headache and the baby decided to not nap today. Off to finish cutting up ham and then on to baking......

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