Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not much to report!

After having 2 days off last week and being gone this past weekend, we are getting back into the swing of things. Although, in two weeks the boys will have2 days where they go for 1/2 days and then off the rest of Thanksgiving week. The husband has the week off which will be nice. We will also have conferences with their teachers. It is hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. Time to start planning.

The boys start basketball practice this week. They were unable to make their evaluations but luckily the coordinator has coached our boys before and knows their ability. Practices will be on Thursdays and games begin in December. We are hoping the boys will become a little more aggressive on the court.

Recently, Jay has become a list person. He keeps his notebook handy and writes himself notes. Oh like mother like son. I love me a list or two. Jay has also typed out a Christmas list. He sits at the PC with the big toy edition from ToysRus and I think has listed almost every toy in the book. E on the other hand is good with just writing his items on a piece of paper. He originally had 6 items on his list but added additional items that he then crossed off. Yes, I love their differences.

I am now working on the Fundraiser for Tee's preschool. They are selling a coupon book, a really good one for this area. I spent a good 6 hours getting it all ready and delivered to school. Hopefully, this will go smooth because their are not too many families. The older boys school fundraiser will be completed in December with the delivery of cookie dough, but I have some work to do prior to then. We have not raised enough money so we are looking into some different ways to generate some funds.

The weather has been really nice here. The weatherman said that this would probably be our last warm spell for a while. Tee has soccer tomorrow and after that we will head to the park to have lunch and play for a while. When I reminded Tee about soccer tomorrow, he was so excited and said I will go and be the star of the league. That cracks me up....where would he have gotten that.

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