Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The first week of Summer

E and Jay are exhausted.  The boys are doing a Scouts camp this week.  The boys are up and out of the house by a little after 7am and don't get home until around 5:30.  The camp is about a 30 minute drive.  Talk about a long day.

They are having fun and doing so many requirements of their next rank.  But needless to say they are so tired.  They wished it wasn't all day.  Honestly, I wished it wasn't all day too.  The good news is that there are only 3 more days left.  

I also put Tee into Nature Camp this week.  It is only 3 hours a day and he has had a blast.  One of his friends is going also.  They take hikes everyday which he loves.  I was a little worried about the camp at first since it is outside and I wasn't sure how many kids or who was running it.  But it has all worked out.

The husband is on vacation this week also.  Well, not much of a vacation for him.  We got 12 yards of mulch delivered today.  So he spent much of the day transporting to the backyard.  I was only able to help a little today.  Still lots more to move.

I am hoping we can accomplish lots this week. 

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