Thursday, September 23, 2010


Life has just seemed not to slow down since the start of school. I am running a few positions on the PTA which have kept me very busy. Sports have kicked in plus I am having to run Tee back and forth to preschool.

I thought I would have more time but it seems like my time keeps diminishing.

I am co-chairing the fundraising committee for the PTA. We have a coupon book that is out right now and it has bombed. We are kicking ourselves for not backing out of this. The coupons really suck, to say it nicely. This year we have decided to try something different. Instead of hounding people to sell, we are asking for a direct donation. Many school PTA's do this so I am praying that we are successful. However, it would have been nice to be able to sell a good amount of something just in case.

I am also trying to get a website up for the group. Well, I am not creating the website, my FIL's wife is creating. She will then teach me how to update. I am excited about learning something new. But again probably will be a time sucker.

The boys have baseball 4 times a week. They practice 2 times a week for the Spring Travel league and then they practice 1 time a week for the fall league with one game on Sundays. If that wasn't enough, they are in an after school basketball club for the next 4 weeks. I am sure I can add more to their plate, just give me time.

Tee does like going to preschool. He loves ordering his lunch from me in the morning. He especially loves it when he gets a nice little treat.

I am at my time quota off to something different. I do hope to find time to update soon.

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