Jay come home from school yesterday saying that John McCain steals money from people. After my husband and I stared at each other in disbelief we asked "were did you hear that?" Jay goes on to tell us that someone in his class said it and so did his teacher. We couldn't believe our ears. Jay was insisting that it was true. Why? Because his friends said so. We tried to explain how there are two parties (later the word was changed to teams because Jay wanted to go to the party with us) and how some people will vote for Obama and others McCain. We also explained that neither candidate will "steal" money from anyone but that we have to pay money in the form of taxes. This is way over his head but we tried our best.
Today was my day to volunteer in Jay's class. I spoke to the teacher regarding the statement above. She told me that some in class were saying that and she tried her best to ignore the statement. They were talking about the candidates in terms of where they are from and their families. They have specific instructions to NOT discuss these types of issues in class. She now realizes she should have probably made a statement to address what was said. Hopefully, there will be no more political debates with first graders. Now we have to try to win him over to the other side.
This really opened my eyes to the fact that kids tend to listen and believe their friends without asking parents for their input. This certainly has started early which draws me to the conclusion that we should be the first ones to talk about these subjects so they are not so easily influenced by what they hear. Luckily, they can not vote and they don't really know enough to form a solid opinion on their belief system. But I am sure there are many other topics that will come up that will have to be addressed before long.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Update and pictures
Planning the event this past week has really put me behind. So here is what we have been doing. EE and Jay played basketball on Saturday. They both did really well and seem to like the sport. I love to watch it. Their last game is this coming Saturday. I hope to have some video soon. Saturday night the boys were invited to their very fist Halloween costume party. They had a blast. They did several games, one of which one person wrapped another in toilet paper. EE and Jay were partners with Jay was being wrapped and from what I understand he didn't like it too much so it didn't stay on.
Sunday the boys had their last baseball game and the team did not do well at all. I am not sure what was going on but as the boys put it "they got smoked". Theboys husband was finally able to get the pumpkins carved. Then the neighborhood has a small Halloween party which we went to for a very short time.
I was able to make it to school to see the boys get their medals for completing the summer skills book. I was a little surprised that more kids did not complete a book. Out of the 6 first grade classes there were only between 8 to 10 kids get medals. Here are a few pictures:

EE is in the red shirt. He would not look at me.

Jay in the blue striped shirt.
We have 2 parties to attend Friday before we head out to trick or treat. The boys are so excited.
Sunday the boys had their last baseball game and the team did not do well at all. I am not sure what was going on but as the boys put it "they got smoked". The
I was able to make it to school to see the boys get their medals for completing the summer skills book. I was a little surprised that more kids did not complete a book. Out of the 6 first grade classes there were only between 8 to 10 kids get medals. Here are a few pictures:
EE is in the red shirt. He would not look at me.
Jay in the blue striped shirt.
We have 2 parties to attend Friday before we head out to trick or treat. The boys are so excited.
The baby has had so many falls lately. He is so into everything. He must see, touch and put his mouth on EVERYTHING. I turn my back for one minute and you know he will find something to get himself into trouble. On Tuesday as we were leaving the gym, he fell on his face. He went to hang on a bar and it was wet so he fell and got a bump on his head and a scrape under his nose. The very same day as I was unloading groceries he fell on a pitcher and busted his lip and hurt his upper lip again(this time just a little bit of blood). Here is a picture of his very messed up face.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Hoe Down
One down and three events left. I think I mentioned that I on the Special Events Committee for the PTA this year. What was I thinking? The whole decorating thing is not my thing. Luckily, my co-chair, who also happens to be my neighbor, is very crafty and has great decorating ideas.
We spent a lot of time prepping for this event. We popped popcorn and bagged it, I made 5 gallons of lemonade and had 5 gallons of water, we dipped pretzels in chocolate and my neighbor made all of the table centerpieces (which were so nice). I wish I would have gotten some pictures of some of the various pieces around the school.
This event was the finale to a 2 week program the school had with an Artist up here. His name is Slim Harrison. The kids could made an instrument and bring in to play along with Slim and then they would do some dancing. This really wasn't our event to plan but we kind of got stuck with it because the other more appropriate committee didn't step up. So be it and we did what we had to.
EE and Jay did not want to attend the event at all. EE kept saying he was NOT going to dance and we couldn't make him. I did have the husband bring them up and they did not have to activity participate but they did watch.
We had an overwhelming response to the event. More than I ever anticipated. We got maybe 10 RSVPs yesterday and the school office phone rang off the hook with people asking if they could still come to the event. There were so many people there last night. We ended up running out of food and drink. There were also lots of little kids that kept coming up for another pretzel or muffin. We finally had to close the cafeteria doors and call it a night.
When the room cleared out I was dumb founded on how poorly the kids behaved and didn't pick up after themselves (or the parent didn't direct them to clean up). Popcorn was all over the floor and trash left on the tables. Anyone hear of a trashcan?
I am glad to have this one over with. Next up is basket bingo in the winter. We have decided to sit down next week to start planning for this one with a time line and volunteers in place. This one should be a lot of fun to plan.
We spent a lot of time prepping for this event. We popped popcorn and bagged it, I made 5 gallons of lemonade and had 5 gallons of water, we dipped pretzels in chocolate and my neighbor made all of the table centerpieces (which were so nice). I wish I would have gotten some pictures of some of the various pieces around the school.
This event was the finale to a 2 week program the school had with an Artist up here. His name is Slim Harrison. The kids could made an instrument and bring in to play along with Slim and then they would do some dancing. This really wasn't our event to plan but we kind of got stuck with it because the other more appropriate committee didn't step up. So be it and we did what we had to.
EE and Jay did not want to attend the event at all. EE kept saying he was NOT going to dance and we couldn't make him. I did have the husband bring them up and they did not have to activity participate but they did watch.
We had an overwhelming response to the event. More than I ever anticipated. We got maybe 10 RSVPs yesterday and the school office phone rang off the hook with people asking if they could still come to the event. There were so many people there last night. We ended up running out of food and drink. There were also lots of little kids that kept coming up for another pretzel or muffin. We finally had to close the cafeteria doors and call it a night.
When the room cleared out I was dumb founded on how poorly the kids behaved and didn't pick up after themselves (or the parent didn't direct them to clean up). Popcorn was all over the floor and trash left on the tables. Anyone hear of a trashcan?
I am glad to have this one over with. Next up is basket bingo in the winter. We have decided to sit down next week to start planning for this one with a time line and volunteers in place. This one should be a lot of fun to plan.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Poopy chronicles
I just finished cleaning the cabinets and mopping the floor. After breakfast this morning, I got the baby down from his high chair. I had poured my cereal into my bowl and had taken a few spoonfuls when the baby comes trotting over to me. His hands were covered in something, it looked like it was oatmeal. I was holding his hands thinking how would he have gotten into oatmeal because I washed his hands off already. Then the smell hit me. It was poop on his hands. It was on his face and my other boys were laughing as they were telling me it was ALL over the floor. Somehow the poop fell out if his diaper and he decided it would be fun to play with and maybe smear on some stuff. For one very brief moment, I thought I should grab the camera. Isn't this a moment you would want to keep forever? Then I came to my senses and got the baby upstairs and into the tub.
Cleanup started after the boys went off to school. I kept finding little bits on the cabinets. So I had to clean each and every cabinet within reach. My niece turns to me and says wouldn't it have been good if the detergent would have fallen today instead of the other day. Why yes that would have been really good. All I have to say it Thanks God it is Friday!
I thought about this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov1d50yOtVg
Cleanup started after the boys went off to school. I kept finding little bits on the cabinets. So I had to clean each and every cabinet within reach. My niece turns to me and says wouldn't it have been good if the detergent would have fallen today instead of the other day. Why yes that would have been really good. All I have to say it Thanks God it is Friday!
I thought about this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov1d50yOtVg
Thursday, October 23, 2008
You want me to do what?
One should read emails very carefully before responding in such a haste. My husband forwards a note to me today regarding a work bake sale. In his note, he asks me to make something for the bake sale. Well, he knows I love to bake and I love sweets so yes, of course, I will make something. It will give me the excuse opportunity to eat something really yummy. A while later I was thinking about what I read and realized he wants me to make something for tomorrow. Doesn't he know that a baker needs time to plan and get ingredients.
My kids brought home a package from their art class. Included in the package was a order form, a list of products that could be purchased and most importantly artwork from each child. This is the artwork that I received.
Jay's is on the left and EE's is on the right. I received a note on EEs that it still needed to be colored (will that help it?). Also, EE told me he did not make the teeth. I could be the proud owner of a shirt, mug and a host of other products with my kid's artwork. I love my kids, you all know that. But I will not be buying a shirt with this picture on it. This is a fundraiser for the school so I guess I will be guilted into buying a magnet. Lucky me will have a one of a kind.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It can only get better right?
Since we don't have to leave for the baby's My Gym class until 10 on Wednesdays, I usually take some time to get caught up on cleaning the house and starting laundry. We made a trip to the store with the bulls eye design, which so happens to be one of my favorite places, this past weekend. I purchased a large bottle of laundry detergent to replace the almost gone one in our cabinet. I bought the one that has a cap at one end and a dispense on the other. At present time there is no room to put the new one until the old one is all gone. The detergent got placed on top of our washer. Do you see where this is going yet? I started the load of laundry in our front load washer. I was standing in the kitchen (very lucky) as the spin cycle started. All of the sudden I hear a thud, look and see that cap of the detergent broke off and detergent was going all over the floor. I felt like I was moving in slow motion but I ran over there and picked it up. Clean up started and everywhere I looked I saw splashes of detergent. It was all over the wall, door and even landed on my kitchen counter. As I was sitting here a moment ago I noticed I had something sticky in my hair, you guessed it, detergent. I think I will be seeing blue drip marks for a long while. So although there is a nice aroma in my house right now don't' be tricked that it is actually clean.
Speaking of clean, last week I called my house cleaner and told her that we were cutting expenses and this was one of the first things to go. I felt so bad and she asked me if they did anything that I didn't like. She did a really nice job cleaning. But I have heard from several people that I am paying way too much. So I will have my neighbor's cleaning person come on Friday to give me a quote.
Speaking of clean, last week I called my house cleaner and told her that we were cutting expenses and this was one of the first things to go. I felt so bad and she asked me if they did anything that I didn't like. She did a really nice job cleaning. But I have heard from several people that I am paying way too much. So I will have my neighbor's cleaning person come on Friday to give me a quote.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Saturday Shenanigans and the big 40!
My neighbor's husband planned a surprise 40th birthday drunkfest party on Saturday evening at a very nice restaurant. My neighbor, I will call her Gladys, had absolutely no idea about this party. She was very surprised, it was so much fun keeping the secret for the last month or so.
As a side note, I was one of the only that was not drunk. I had two glasses of wine before dinner and stopped drinking. My husband drank to keep up with everyone (and he knew I was designated driver). Some people were drunk before the guest of honor arrived and then kept drinking.
Two of Gladys' friends came in town for the event. Oddly enough the 2 friends lived in the same house. The house in question has had 4 families live in it within the last 7 years. The first family was friend A, the third family was friend B and now the lady I wrote about in this post lives there. Both friends have VERY strong personalities. It was a riot watching both friends try to maintain all of the attention for the evening. Friend A and B don't really like each other much, they have probably only met one other time. As friend B was roasting Gladys friend A was making a ruckus and not really listening. It went on all evening.
One of the gifts given to Gladys was a bottle of Tuaca. This is the worst smelling liquor ever! I have never tried Tuaca and I probably never will. I actually had never even heard of Tuaca until I moved here. Well, once the bottle was brought out shots started. Gladys had several shots and was passing them out to all of her unsuspecting friends. The bottle was finished by midnight. There were few people spared from the shot glass.
The night ended at midnight for us, just like in the Cinderella story. Most of the others went on to a piano bar where the birthday girl was given the title as the worst tambourine player ever. It was a great night with a lot of good friends.
This party got me thinking about my birthday early next year in which I will turn forty. Yeah that is right the big 4.0. In a lot of ways, it is hard for me to believe I will be forty. But what does turning 40 really mean. If you google "turning 40" you will get a gazillion of links to many different types of sites. I even found a website all about turning forty. Why is turning 40 such a big deal? It is one year after you turn 39 and one year before you turn 41. Is it supposed to be a turning point in your life? Will something mysteriously happen on the big day?
I am not sure about what turning 40 means, but I do know some things about my life:
1) I don't feel like I am 40. As a youngster, 40 seemed so darn old to me.
2) I am one of the youngest in my group of friends around here...yes it only may be by a year but I am still younger.
3) I always thought my children would be older when I turned 40, but I have twin 6.5 year olds and a 1.5 year old.
4) I am in better shape now than I ever have been.
5) I am very happy with the way my life has turned out.
6) After many years of worshiping the sun, I have started to take care of my skin. I finally figured out in my late 20's that I should be using sunscreen.
7) I definitely have more thoughts of getting a little help with the facial lines...ok wrinkles.
8) I am who I am....take it or leave it.
Well, not sure exactly what 40 will bring....but I am ready bring it on!
As a side note, I was one of the only that was not drunk. I had two glasses of wine before dinner and stopped drinking. My husband drank to keep up with everyone (and he knew I was designated driver). Some people were drunk before the guest of honor arrived and then kept drinking.
Two of Gladys' friends came in town for the event. Oddly enough the 2 friends lived in the same house. The house in question has had 4 families live in it within the last 7 years. The first family was friend A, the third family was friend B and now the lady I wrote about in this post lives there. Both friends have VERY strong personalities. It was a riot watching both friends try to maintain all of the attention for the evening. Friend A and B don't really like each other much, they have probably only met one other time. As friend B was roasting Gladys friend A was making a ruckus and not really listening. It went on all evening.
One of the gifts given to Gladys was a bottle of Tuaca. This is the worst smelling liquor ever! I have never tried Tuaca and I probably never will. I actually had never even heard of Tuaca until I moved here. Well, once the bottle was brought out shots started. Gladys had several shots and was passing them out to all of her unsuspecting friends. The bottle was finished by midnight. There were few people spared from the shot glass.
The night ended at midnight for us, just like in the Cinderella story. Most of the others went on to a piano bar where the birthday girl was given the title as the worst tambourine player ever. It was a great night with a lot of good friends.
This party got me thinking about my birthday early next year in which I will turn forty. Yeah that is right the big 4.0. In a lot of ways, it is hard for me to believe I will be forty. But what does turning 40 really mean. If you google "turning 40" you will get a gazillion of links to many different types of sites. I even found a website all about turning forty. Why is turning 40 such a big deal? It is one year after you turn 39 and one year before you turn 41. Is it supposed to be a turning point in your life? Will something mysteriously happen on the big day?
I am not sure about what turning 40 means, but I do know some things about my life:
1) I don't feel like I am 40. As a youngster, 40 seemed so darn old to me.
2) I am one of the youngest in my group of friends around here...yes it only may be by a year but I am still younger.
3) I always thought my children would be older when I turned 40, but I have twin 6.5 year olds and a 1.5 year old.
4) I am in better shape now than I ever have been.
5) I am very happy with the way my life has turned out.
6) After many years of worshiping the sun, I have started to take care of my skin. I finally figured out in my late 20's that I should be using sunscreen.
7) I definitely have more thoughts of getting a little help with the facial lines...ok wrinkles.
8) I am who I am....take it or leave it.
Well, not sure exactly what 40 will bring....but I am ready bring it on!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Shooting the hoops
Basketball Pictures from Saturday.

A little warm up by EE (number 2) and Jay (number 1). The baby decided he needed to do some jumping jacks with the kids as they were warming up.
The boys had a great time at their game. They have really enjoyed basketball. I asked them today which sport they liked better basketball or baseball. EE said he liked them both and Jay said he liked basketball better. The groups split up into two teams of four. So they all get a lot of play time. They each were able to handle the ball and make baskets. The baby unbelievably sat with us and watched and played without making too much of a fuss.
As I was snapping pictures during this game I realized how much I dislike my camera. It is a digital camera. The one where you push the button and then have to wait 1 minute before the picture actually shoots. I missed out on so many good pictures. I think next game I will take the video camera.
On a separate note, the boys had dentist appointments on Friday. This was the baby's first visit. He did great. You know it is bad when the Dentist tells you to start saving your money for corrective measures. I am sure at least 2 of the 3 will need some work done.
The husband and I went out on Saturday night. Can't wait to dish about that!
A little warm up by EE (number 2) and Jay (number 1). The baby decided he needed to do some jumping jacks with the kids as they were warming up.
The boys had a great time at their game. They have really enjoyed basketball. I asked them today which sport they liked better basketball or baseball. EE said he liked them both and Jay said he liked basketball better. The groups split up into two teams of four. So they all get a lot of play time. They each were able to handle the ball and make baskets. The baby unbelievably sat with us and watched and played without making too much of a fuss.
As I was snapping pictures during this game I realized how much I dislike my camera. It is a digital camera. The one where you push the button and then have to wait 1 minute before the picture actually shoots. I missed out on so many good pictures. I think next game I will take the video camera.
On a separate note, the boys had dentist appointments on Friday. This was the baby's first visit. He did great. You know it is bad when the Dentist tells you to start saving your money for corrective measures. I am sure at least 2 of the 3 will need some work done.
The husband and I went out on Saturday night. Can't wait to dish about that!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Golden shoe race
Each year the school holds a Golden shoe race. The race is done by grade level. First Grade ran 1/2 mile. The higher grades run at least a mile. I am not sure how the scores are calculated, but I believe that the class who had all of the students come in before any other wins the golden shoe. Neither EE or Jay's class won. However, Jay was the 3rd runner in and EE was the 7th. WOO-HOO! Jay has talked all week about wanting to win that Golden shoe. It was a fun event. Of course, I forgot my camera.
On another school note, I received a note from the school yesterday stating that there was a fire in the 5th grade bathroom. The fire was contained and put out by the teachers and the parents of those responsible were contacted. I surely would not have expected something like this to happen in Elementary school.
Lastly, my co-room Mom came up to me today and told me that I had such sweet boys. Last year she was room Mom for EE's class and this year we are sharing the duties for Jay's class. She chaperoned the trip to the Aquarium this past week and had Jay in her group. She could not stop saying nice things about both of them. It is nice to hear that other people think you children are well behaved. It is also nice to know that they behave and are respectful with other adults.
On another school note, I received a note from the school yesterday stating that there was a fire in the 5th grade bathroom. The fire was contained and put out by the teachers and the parents of those responsible were contacted. I surely would not have expected something like this to happen in Elementary school.
Lastly, my co-room Mom came up to me today and told me that I had such sweet boys. Last year she was room Mom for EE's class and this year we are sharing the duties for Jay's class. She chaperoned the trip to the Aquarium this past week and had Jay in her group. She could not stop saying nice things about both of them. It is nice to hear that other people think you children are well behaved. It is also nice to know that they behave and are respectful with other adults.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Why is it?
Why is it that even though you have a magazine subscription through the year 2010 they still want you to renew for another 3 years? Not only will they renew your magazine but they will also send one to a friend. Please contact me when it gets closer to the expiration day and I will let you know if I would like to renew.
Why is it that a cable company system can automatically delete the primary email account for a host of people and not make a correction instantaneously? Happened to me last night. When the system told me that my account was not active I decided to contact the company this morning. I have found that sometimes it is easier to do a chat on-line vs. calling and talking to someone directly. The rep. fixed my account and when I asked how and why I was told that some email accounts were deleted. This is a big cable company mind you. I am sure that there were some who were not very happy.
Why is it that the baby thinks he doesn't need a nap today? He is up in his room making a ruckus. Now he is calling my name repeatedly. At least it will be an early to bed night tonight.
I am sure there are many more Why is its in my head.....but this is it for now.
Why is it that a cable company system can automatically delete the primary email account for a host of people and not make a correction instantaneously? Happened to me last night. When the system told me that my account was not active I decided to contact the company this morning. I have found that sometimes it is easier to do a chat on-line vs. calling and talking to someone directly. The rep. fixed my account and when I asked how and why I was told that some email accounts were deleted. This is a big cable company mind you. I am sure that there were some who were not very happy.
Why is it that the baby thinks he doesn't need a nap today? He is up in his room making a ruckus. Now he is calling my name repeatedly. At least it will be an early to bed night tonight.
I am sure there are many more Why is its in my head.....but this is it for now.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The multiple factor - School
Over 7 years ago when we found out I was pregnant with twins we were ecstatic to say the least. We had been trying to get pregnant for almost 3 years, two years on our own and 1 year with a Reproductive Specialist. There were lots of tests (of course everything came back fine). The tests were followed by IUIs (intrauterine insemination). Finally on the 4th go around it finally took and as the Dr. put it "we had snake eyes". Oh we were slightly nervous about having 2 babies, but I had no idea just how many issues arise from having multiples. The issues go beyond having two babies to feed, change and take care of. The issues I am referring to relate to when they get a little older.
The boys started preschool when they were 2 years old. They remained in the same class through all their years in preschool. I had the option to separate them during their last year. The husband and I discussed it and decided to keep them together. They never relied on each other in class and most teachers told us that if they didn't know better they would not have thought they were related. In looking back, I am so glad that I did not separate them. It was enough to keep up with one classroom at the time.
Why would I have separated them in their last year of preschool? The school system in most states requires that twins/multiples be separated. There have been many states who have started petitions to give parents a say. Although I signed the petition in NC, I don't have much energy on this issue. I have always considered my boys as separate individuals.
The boys started school last year in NC, we moved in November. In that school system, the teachers did not work off of the same lesson plan. Therefore, the boys were doing different activities in class and one had homework and the other did not. When we moved to Md. in November, I requested that the boys be put in the same class. I thought it would be difficult moving to a new state and starting a new school after the beginning of the year. The head teacher asked me to separate them as all classes were already full and it would be a burden to put 2 more children in one class. At her request, I decided to separate them. All of the classes are on the same lesson plan. The homework for each class was the same, which made it easy on me.
I have no issues with them being separated. It is good for them.....they are with each other all the time. But it becomes difficult when the classes have a special event where Mom is invited and she can't split herself to be in two places at one time. Last year, the Kindergarten class had an Author's tea. I, along with several other Moms, was running from one class to the other so that we could see both of our children. I envied all the other parents who could actually sit and watch their child.
This month the boys will be getting medals for completing their summer learning book. The ceremony will be on Monday October 27th. It starts already. At least this year the boys classes are right across from each other.....so I will just have to take a few steps between the two.
This is just one of the issues we have been faced with....there are a few more.
The boys started preschool when they were 2 years old. They remained in the same class through all their years in preschool. I had the option to separate them during their last year. The husband and I discussed it and decided to keep them together. They never relied on each other in class and most teachers told us that if they didn't know better they would not have thought they were related. In looking back, I am so glad that I did not separate them. It was enough to keep up with one classroom at the time.
Why would I have separated them in their last year of preschool? The school system in most states requires that twins/multiples be separated. There have been many states who have started petitions to give parents a say. Although I signed the petition in NC, I don't have much energy on this issue. I have always considered my boys as separate individuals.
The boys started school last year in NC, we moved in November. In that school system, the teachers did not work off of the same lesson plan. Therefore, the boys were doing different activities in class and one had homework and the other did not. When we moved to Md. in November, I requested that the boys be put in the same class. I thought it would be difficult moving to a new state and starting a new school after the beginning of the year. The head teacher asked me to separate them as all classes were already full and it would be a burden to put 2 more children in one class. At her request, I decided to separate them. All of the classes are on the same lesson plan. The homework for each class was the same, which made it easy on me.
I have no issues with them being separated. It is good for them.....they are with each other all the time. But it becomes difficult when the classes have a special event where Mom is invited and she can't split herself to be in two places at one time. Last year, the Kindergarten class had an Author's tea. I, along with several other Moms, was running from one class to the other so that we could see both of our children. I envied all the other parents who could actually sit and watch their child.
This month the boys will be getting medals for completing their summer learning book. The ceremony will be on Monday October 27th. It starts already. At least this year the boys classes are right across from each other.....so I will just have to take a few steps between the two.
This is just one of the issues we have been faced with....there are a few more.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
We went and picked up some pumpkins this weekend and were able to set out some decorations. We went to a local produce stand and the pumpkins were only $.39 a pound. I think that is a fantastic deal.
The boys each picked out their own pumpkins!
A little brotherly love!
Nice weekend with friends and a little golf
Now that we know more people in the area it seems like we are keeping busy. Friday night we went over to our neighbors and enjoyed their outdoor fire and some smores. It was a nice time until the baby broke a glow stick and maybe got some on or in his mouth. We checked the Internet and it apparently is ok although you wouldn't want to ingest a lot of the stuff. My neighbor found a forum on people actually putting the glow liquid in their drinks so that their urine will glow. I am thinking it is probably not such a good idea.
The husband was given tickets to the Senior Players Championship that is played at the Baltimore Country club. Our neighbors joined us and all the kids stayed home with a babysitter. The tickets included passes to a suite. It was a very "sweet" indeed. They provided drinks and food. We stopped in for lunch and were told that there would be snack after 1:30. Lunch included fajitas, chicken and rice and a few salads. For dessert they had cakes and cookies. Best part of all was that they had REALLY nice restrooms. We walked around a bit and then followed a player for a while. I think that I like watching the younger guys play because they are a little better looking. It was a nice time though. That evening we went to another friend's house for an impromptu dinner. Take out Chinese. We called it an evening early because the boys were very tired.
The boys had their first basketball game on Saturday. They did really well and had a great time. Jay made 4 baskets and EE made 2 or 3. They also had their baseball game on Sunday. I don't have any notable stats from this game. The baby fell off of the bench onto the back of his head. I think I will wrap him in a large padded outfit all the time. He is ok....I would have thought that he would have a bump on his head but he didn't. It may be that he got his hard head from his mother's side of the family.
The husband was given tickets to the Senior Players Championship that is played at the Baltimore Country club. Our neighbors joined us and all the kids stayed home with a babysitter. The tickets included passes to a suite. It was a very "sweet" indeed. They provided drinks and food. We stopped in for lunch and were told that there would be snack after 1:30. Lunch included fajitas, chicken and rice and a few salads. For dessert they had cakes and cookies. Best part of all was that they had REALLY nice restrooms. We walked around a bit and then followed a player for a while. I think that I like watching the younger guys play because they are a little better looking. It was a nice time though. That evening we went to another friend's house for an impromptu dinner. Take out Chinese. We called it an evening early because the boys were very tired.
The boys had their first basketball game on Saturday. They did really well and had a great time. Jay made 4 baskets and EE made 2 or 3. They also had their baseball game on Sunday. I don't have any notable stats from this game. The baby fell off of the bench onto the back of his head. I think I will wrap him in a large padded outfit all the time. He is ok....I would have thought that he would have a bump on his head but he didn't. It may be that he got his hard head from his mother's side of the family.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Read instructions carefully
I am usually pretty good about reading instructions and following them or maybe not. I tend to like my husband to read instructions and then explain it to me. My husband spent almost 2 hours with our Mobile phone company last night due to what I believe was something I had a small part in.
Let me digress a little and start from the beginning. We have a 2 year contract on our mobile phones and it was up in July. I believe you remember me telling you about how my husband would go on-line and look for new phones but would never order them. He finally did order them and we received them sometime in August. He sent me an email with information regarding the rebate associated with the phones and how to return the old phones for a credit. This is where it gets a little tricky. I thought they were one in the same. I completed the rebate form, stuck the phones in a box and mailed it all into this company. Luckily, I sent it with a confirmation receipt. It was received by this company on September 8th.
Two nights ago my husband kept hearing his phone vibrate as he received many text messages. Then last night on his way home from work he received another text message that a charge was accepted and he now has access to a certain site. We do not use our phones for Internet access and this made my husband think something was wrong. He immediately called the mobile phone company and spoke to several people there. They claimed that it was my husband who has been using his phone for Internet service. My husband denied ever getting on the Internet on his phone. No one believed that he was telling the truth. hey went through some of the charges with him. One was 60 hot models. The representative suggested that maybe his wife, that would be me, was on his phone. My husband assured him that I would not have requested access to 60 hot models and I would not have had the ability to get on his phone. Interestingly enough, the charges started September 8th (this was the day the phones were received by the company).
After 2 or so hours he finally got the company to credit our account $195. That is right this person continually used the phone over and over. The last charge was maybe just a day or so ago. Then my husband proceeded to change his number. There was no other way these charges could have happened other than someone taking the phones we mailed in and using them. I learned a few lessons here. First, read all the instructions carefully and then follow them. And if you do mess up call the company and try to get it rectified ASAP.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
More on neighbors
I have been looking at my screen for a while now thinking that I am in a really foul mood. It is probably not the best time to blog. Also, just can't figure out what to write about. I was thinking about writing of birthday parties when you have twins and all other types of parties. But I think I will write about that tomorrow.
When all else fails, talk about the neighbors. There is a family that moved into our neighborhood at the end of summer. They actually purchased the house at the beginning of summer but didn't move in until the end of summer. They have plans to do some remodeling and they thought about doing all of it before moving in. Then sometime in August it hit them that their child would start Kindergarten not knowing any of the kids in the neighborhood. So they used a truck to bring over the beds and some other essentials. I guess you are wondering where they are moving them from? They still own their other home. They have made it very clear that they don't need to sell that home. So they have two homes with some of their belongings in both homes. Must be nice that they can afford two homes in this economy.
In the last week, the Mom has really tried to make a connection with me and others. She will bring her kids over when mine are in front playing with friends. I have been the one that has been out and therefore the one that has to make conversation with her. I don't have a lot in common with her, other than the fact that we each have 3 children. The more I talk with her the more I realize that her and I are total opposites. She is the more relaxed, anything goes, go with the flow type. I stress the importance of schedules, doing homework after school (before playing) and being organized.
It is really not my nature to be mean to others. And in another few weeks it will probably be too cold for me to be outside much anyway. I will just see her at the bus stop. So I guess I will play nice for now.
When all else fails, talk about the neighbors. There is a family that moved into our neighborhood at the end of summer. They actually purchased the house at the beginning of summer but didn't move in until the end of summer. They have plans to do some remodeling and they thought about doing all of it before moving in. Then sometime in August it hit them that their child would start Kindergarten not knowing any of the kids in the neighborhood. So they used a truck to bring over the beds and some other essentials. I guess you are wondering where they are moving them from? They still own their other home. They have made it very clear that they don't need to sell that home. So they have two homes with some of their belongings in both homes. Must be nice that they can afford two homes in this economy.
In the last week, the Mom has really tried to make a connection with me and others. She will bring her kids over when mine are in front playing with friends. I have been the one that has been out and therefore the one that has to make conversation with her. I don't have a lot in common with her, other than the fact that we each have 3 children. The more I talk with her the more I realize that her and I are total opposites. She is the more relaxed, anything goes, go with the flow type. I stress the importance of schedules, doing homework after school (before playing) and being organized.
It is really not my nature to be mean to others. And in another few weeks it will probably be too cold for me to be outside much anyway. I will just see her at the bus stop. So I guess I will play nice for now.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Nosey Neighbors
The garage sale was a success and fun at the same time. We spent Friday afternoon and into the evening getting everything tagged and in my garage. I can't imagine what our neighbors were thinking when we put our hodge podge dinner out on one of the tables and ate dinner in our front yard.
We decided Friday night to get up at 6 am on Saturday (the yard sale did not officially start until 8 am) to get everything organized out in the driveway. That is really early. I do have to say it did take us a while to get it all out of the garage. There was a steady stream of traffic. I made $70 which I thought was really good for what I sold. My neighbor had a lot of "treasures" and she made over $250.
Six am is early to be up and outside and sometimes you see things that you wished you hadn't. We have neighbors 2 houses down. It is a couple. She has 2 children (high schoolers) from a previous marriage and then 1 son with her current husband. I noticed that the couple along with her youngest went out of town on Friday (saw her loading up the car.) About 7:30 am we see a car exit the garage (the boyfriend of the girl). Then she gets in her car and leaves. All three of us ladies looked at each other thinking "did we just see that". We busted them so bad and she knew she got busted as she never looked up. The other two ladies know the Mom....I don't. So now they must decide whether to tell the Mom or not. They both agree that they would want to know if it was their daughters (they each have 2 girls). I think one of them will break the news.
The best sale I made all day was ALL of the curtains and valances that were in my house when we moved in for a mere $10. When we moved in we took them all down. I am more of a blinds person and can do without the fancy window treatments. One lady came by and expressed interest in them and said she would be back. Then I thought this guy was going to buy a set (he gave us the line....I have to go get money). The worst part about that was we actually believed him and gave up a sale in the mean time. I had started to fold up the window treatments and put them in a box headed for the donation center when I saw the truck come back. There were two ladies and they took them ALL. I was so happy that I was able hand them off to someone else who likes them as much as the previous owner of our house.
I have to report another injury for this family. This time it happened to me. I had the back door open and went into the garage hung onto the door frame to get a soda. The cross wind in the house slammed the door shut on my middle finger and now I have what you call subungual hematoma or what most of us call bleeding under the fingernail. It was so painful. It covers almost all of my fingernail bed and is incredibly sensitive.
Right after the injury, it was time to get to work on getting the house ready for our guest/cookout. We ended up having 20 kids and 18 adults. A family called Friday to let us know that they had changed their minds and wanted to come. Another family showed up without letting us know they were coming. We had a lot of people here. Getting the fire in the pit going was a bit of a problem due to wet wood, but after persistence from the husband he was able to get it going. It was fun and I am glad we did it. Towards the end of the night (after I put the baby down), I was actually able to sit down and talk to people. I think we will wait until the summer to do something big like this again.
We decided Friday night to get up at 6 am on Saturday (the yard sale did not officially start until 8 am) to get everything organized out in the driveway. That is really early. I do have to say it did take us a while to get it all out of the garage. There was a steady stream of traffic. I made $70 which I thought was really good for what I sold. My neighbor had a lot of "treasures" and she made over $250.
Six am is early to be up and outside and sometimes you see things that you wished you hadn't. We have neighbors 2 houses down. It is a couple. She has 2 children (high schoolers) from a previous marriage and then 1 son with her current husband. I noticed that the couple along with her youngest went out of town on Friday (saw her loading up the car.) About 7:30 am we see a car exit the garage (the boyfriend of the girl). Then she gets in her car and leaves. All three of us ladies looked at each other thinking "did we just see that". We busted them so bad and she knew she got busted as she never looked up. The other two ladies know the Mom....I don't. So now they must decide whether to tell the Mom or not. They both agree that they would want to know if it was their daughters (they each have 2 girls). I think one of them will break the news.
The best sale I made all day was ALL of the curtains and valances that were in my house when we moved in for a mere $10. When we moved in we took them all down. I am more of a blinds person and can do without the fancy window treatments. One lady came by and expressed interest in them and said she would be back. Then I thought this guy was going to buy a set (he gave us the line....I have to go get money). The worst part about that was we actually believed him and gave up a sale in the mean time. I had started to fold up the window treatments and put them in a box headed for the donation center when I saw the truck come back. There were two ladies and they took them ALL. I was so happy that I was able hand them off to someone else who likes them as much as the previous owner of our house.
I have to report another injury for this family. This time it happened to me. I had the back door open and went into the garage hung onto the door frame to get a soda. The cross wind in the house slammed the door shut on my middle finger and now I have what you call subungual hematoma or what most of us call bleeding under the fingernail. It was so painful. It covers almost all of my fingernail bed and is incredibly sensitive.
Right after the injury, it was time to get to work on getting the house ready for our guest/cookout. We ended up having 20 kids and 18 adults. A family called Friday to let us know that they had changed their minds and wanted to come. Another family showed up without letting us know they were coming. We had a lot of people here. Getting the fire in the pit going was a bit of a problem due to wet wood, but after persistence from the husband he was able to get it going. It was fun and I am glad we did it. Towards the end of the night (after I put the baby down), I was actually able to sit down and talk to people. I think we will wait until the summer to do something big like this again.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Yard Sale
We watched very little of the debate last night. My husband had no desire to make us suffer through the debate for too long. In what I saw I thought that Palin did a good job answering the questions. I do believe in what the Republican Party stands for. I have been reading a few blogs this morning that are rehashing play by play of the debate last night of course destroying Palin.
Enough politics for me. I am so glad that we have gotten to Friday. We have lots of fun things planned for the weekend. I am getting ready for a community wide yard sale tomorrow. I don't have much but there is stuff that I want to get out of the house. I have two neighbors who will bring their goodies to my house. I will be in good company and I am hoping that it is not too cold tomorrow.
The boys have basketball and baseball this weekend. We also are having neighbors over for a cookout on Saturday. I am sure it will probably be the last time we will be able to be outside for a cookout this season. We will end the night by roasting marshmallows and making smores. I can't wait.
Enough politics for me. I am so glad that we have gotten to Friday. We have lots of fun things planned for the weekend. I am getting ready for a community wide yard sale tomorrow. I don't have much but there is stuff that I want to get out of the house. I have two neighbors who will bring their goodies to my house. I will be in good company and I am hoping that it is not too cold tomorrow.
The boys have basketball and baseball this weekend. We also are having neighbors over for a cookout on Saturday. I am sure it will probably be the last time we will be able to be outside for a cookout this season. We will end the night by roasting marshmallows and making smores. I can't wait.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Break-up
No worries here, the family is doing great. This is an easier break-up of sorts but still hard to do. Easier due to the fact that we will have no future dealings together, although our paths may cross every once in a while. I have to break up with my cleaning lady. Oh, how I dislike the break-up. She does an ok job but it is time.
There are a few reasons on why we will lose the cleaning lady. I feel like I overpay for the space she cleans. She only cleans the top floor and the basement. We make sure all is picked up the night before. She doesn't have much to move around when she cleans. My neighbors pay less for 2 levels in their house. She lost the lady that worked with her (she cleaned really well.) My husband doesn't think that she does a great job every time. Lastly, the people who recommended her to us have stopped using her. Apparently, she doesn't treat her co-worker too well. She dropped her off to clean a house in the morning and had to wait about 4 hours to be picked up. There are also more issues with her.
She did show up a little last this morning and her husband was the one who helped her clean today. They were not here when I got back home from the gym. I have about a week to let her know that she doesn't need to come back. My reason will be is that we are cutting back our expenses which is true but not the only reason we have to let her go. I really don't like having to do this.....but got to.
I will try my neighbors cleaning person. She has a group of 4 ladies and they are in and out in a matter of an hour or an hour and a half. Truth is that I really need some help cleaning the house. I could do it but the house would never be clean all at once and I would spend the entire week and part of the weekend getting it all done.
Today is a fall day here in the north east (actually maybe a little chillier). I think before long we will be in the midst of winter.
There are a few reasons on why we will lose the cleaning lady. I feel like I overpay for the space she cleans. She only cleans the top floor and the basement. We make sure all is picked up the night before. She doesn't have much to move around when she cleans. My neighbors pay less for 2 levels in their house. She lost the lady that worked with her (she cleaned really well.) My husband doesn't think that she does a great job every time. Lastly, the people who recommended her to us have stopped using her. Apparently, she doesn't treat her co-worker too well. She dropped her off to clean a house in the morning and had to wait about 4 hours to be picked up. There are also more issues with her.
She did show up a little last this morning and her husband was the one who helped her clean today. They were not here when I got back home from the gym. I have about a week to let her know that she doesn't need to come back. My reason will be is that we are cutting back our expenses which is true but not the only reason we have to let her go. I really don't like having to do this.....but got to.
I will try my neighbors cleaning person. She has a group of 4 ladies and they are in and out in a matter of an hour or an hour and a half. Truth is that I really need some help cleaning the house. I could do it but the house would never be clean all at once and I would spend the entire week and part of the weekend getting it all done.
Today is a fall day here in the north east (actually maybe a little chillier). I think before long we will be in the midst of winter.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Can't beat them....join them
I found out yesterday that today, October 1st, is official b*tch day. I really don't have much to complain about. I am married to a wonderful man, I have 3 great boys, we are all healthy, I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home and we have great friends and family. What on earth could I have to b*tch about. So I dug deep (ok not that deep) and I determined that I really could come up with some topics. I hope that you all can reach in and celebrate this day with me.
First the state of the economy is frightening. The news is doom and gloom to me these days. Each morning I turn the news on only to find another company has gone under or will be bought by someone else. I hope that the people that be in our Government will get back together discuss the bailout bill and have it pass in some form or another.
Second has to do with the presidential candidates. I find politics painful, meaning I'd rather get a full body wax then have to talk politics. Honestly, I don't like my options and I wish we could go back and have a redo with other candidates. I know that won't happen and I will be voting with my party. I can stomach John McCain but I often wonder what he thought when choosing his VeeP.
On another note, Ms. Snooty down the street is on a never ending quest to find a reason to pull her child out of the public school system. I wrote about her here. She is all of the sudden interested in volunteering in the class because she needs to make her decision. She has decided she doesn't like the teacher but can't base the decision on any concrete factors. She has mentioned that her son likes the class and has adjusted well. Why fix something that ain't broke. She got upset because her son said they spent time tracing the letter I. I would bet that most of the kids on the class probably need help on their handwriting. I have not seen the teacher in action yet. I will volunteer later this month. I don't think she is a warm and fuzzy type, but as long as my kid is learning....does it matter? In reality, he doesn't spend much time with this teacher. He goes to a different class for math and then they have a lot of specials with different teachers. So I would really like to tell her to get over it.
I would love for one of my boys to be able to hold his bladder for the entire night. I am REALLY tired of washing his sheets every day. We are on a roll as this is the 3rd day in a row that he has stripped his bed in the morning. (And yes he is wearing a pullup at night.)
Ah....now I feel better.
First the state of the economy is frightening. The news is doom and gloom to me these days. Each morning I turn the news on only to find another company has gone under or will be bought by someone else. I hope that the people that be in our Government will get back together discuss the bailout bill and have it pass in some form or another.
Second has to do with the presidential candidates. I find politics painful, meaning I'd rather get a full body wax then have to talk politics. Honestly, I don't like my options and I wish we could go back and have a redo with other candidates. I know that won't happen and I will be voting with my party. I can stomach John McCain but I often wonder what he thought when choosing his VeeP.
On another note, Ms. Snooty down the street is on a never ending quest to find a reason to pull her child out of the public school system. I wrote about her here. She is all of the sudden interested in volunteering in the class because she needs to make her decision. She has decided she doesn't like the teacher but can't base the decision on any concrete factors. She has mentioned that her son likes the class and has adjusted well. Why fix something that ain't broke. She got upset because her son said they spent time tracing the letter I. I would bet that most of the kids on the class probably need help on their handwriting. I have not seen the teacher in action yet. I will volunteer later this month. I don't think she is a warm and fuzzy type, but as long as my kid is learning....does it matter? In reality, he doesn't spend much time with this teacher. He goes to a different class for math and then they have a lot of specials with different teachers. So I would really like to tell her to get over it.
I would love for one of my boys to be able to hold his bladder for the entire night. I am REALLY tired of washing his sheets every day. We are on a roll as this is the 3rd day in a row that he has stripped his bed in the morning. (And yes he is wearing a pullup at night.)
Ah....now I feel better.
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