Over 7 years ago when we found out I was pregnant with twins we were ecstatic to say the least. We had been trying to get pregnant for almost 3 years, two years on our own and 1 year with a Reproductive Specialist. There were lots of tests (of course everything came back fine). The tests were followed by IUIs (intrauterine insemination). Finally on the 4th go around it finally took and as the Dr. put it "we had snake eyes". Oh we were slightly nervous about having 2 babies, but I had no idea just how many issues arise from having multiples. The issues go beyond having two babies to feed, change and take care of. The issues I am referring to relate to when they get a little older.
The boys started preschool when they were 2 years old. They remained in the same class through all their years in preschool. I had the option to separate them during their last year. The husband and I discussed it and decided to keep them together. They never relied on each other in class and most teachers told us that if they didn't know better they would not have thought they were related. In looking back, I am so glad that I did not separate them. It was enough to keep up with one classroom at the time.
Why would I have separated them in their last year of preschool? The school system in most states requires that twins/multiples be separated. There have been many states who have started petitions to give parents a say. Although I signed the petition in NC, I don't have much energy on this issue. I have always considered my boys as separate individuals.
The boys started school last year in NC, we moved in November. In that school system, the teachers did not work off of the same lesson plan. Therefore, the boys were doing different activities in class and one had homework and the other did not. When we moved to Md. in November, I requested that the boys be put in the same class. I thought it would be difficult moving to a new state and starting a new school after the beginning of the year. The head teacher asked me to separate them as all classes were already full and it would be a burden to put 2 more children in one class. At her request, I decided to separate them. All of the classes are on the same lesson plan. The homework for each class was the same, which made it easy on me.
I have no issues with them being separated. It is good for them.....they are with each other all the time. But it becomes difficult when the classes have a special event where Mom is invited and she can't split herself to be in two places at one time. Last year, the Kindergarten class had an Author's tea. I, along with several other Moms, was running from one class to the other so that we could see both of our children. I envied all the other parents who could actually sit and watch their child.
This month the boys will be getting medals for completing their summer learning book. The ceremony will be on Monday October 27th. It starts already. At least this year the boys classes are right across from each other.....so I will just have to take a few steps between the two.
This is just one of the issues we have been faced with....there are a few more.
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