Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Babies turned 10

It seems so hard for me to believe that my boys are 10 years old.  I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. 

As I mentioned, I finally got the boys to agree to a dodge ball party.  The party was held at an indoor place which also has batting cages.  The boys practice baseball at this place during the winter. 

The boys invited 12 kids and every single one of them was able to attend.  I was a little worried that they were going to get bored with the dodge ball after a while.  The boys played for 1 hour and then we took a break for pizza and cake.  Then the boys went right back to dodge ball.

The boys had a blast.  The refs were awesome.  They kept changing up the game.  So for one game you would maybe use your non-dominant hand and the next you would be on your knees. 

The boys!

I think this was Army style, if your leg gets hit you have to hop.

Jay spent a bit of time over on the sidelines.

I purchased 2 cakes just because I thought they needed to have store bought cakes.  I made dirt cake by request.  The dirt cakes was gone, these cakes were taken back home.

 E did not want to have to blow out his candles.  I did not give him any choice.
Jay's turn.  I always make sure I have 2 cakes.  We sing happy birthday to each one and always E first since he was born first.

Even though we had some issues prior to the party, I think the boys (all of them) had a fabulous night.

The boys each had one friend spend the night.  We rented a movie for them and then it was bedtime.  They slept in the basement and we had no issues. 

Switching gears to get ready for another birthday party......

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