Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Temporary Insanity

I remember in 1997, we decided to get a puppy.  We had just moved into our house so it was the logical next step.  Charli was the last girl puppy left in the litter.  She was adorable.

Shortly after we brought her home, my husband was put on an assignment in Boston.  I did the single puppy parent for a good long while.  Those first few months were very difficult.  She was a handful.  But every time I walked into the door she was always so happy to see me.

Charli was such an awesome dog and a member of our family.  Unfortunately, we had to put her down 4 years ago.  We were crushed when she left us. 

The boys have been asking for a dog for a long time.  I love dogs but they do add a lot of work/attention to an already hectic schedule.  Vacations now mean that we have to figure out who will watch the dog.  And don't forget the dog poop that needs to be picked up.  I have not budged from the answer of NO for a long time.

Recently, we started talking about getting a dog.  All I had to do was mention it and the husband was all over finding a breeder nearby.  Conversations ensued.

So without further ado.......meet Sadie!  Our soon to be addition to our family.  I can't tell you how excited every single boy is in this family. 

Sadie, the dog with her right nails painted blue!

She has big shoes to fill after Charli.....but look at that face.

The boys know that they will have responsibilities with the dog from walking to feeding to picking up poop.  I walk around the house and look at all the junk on the floor and tell them that Sadie will eat everything on the ground. 

Tee has been going around making sure there is nothing on the ground.  In fact, he think Sadie will be sleeping with him in his room so every morning he ensures that there is nothing on the ground.  He is very proud that his room is so clean.  He has also started making  his bed. 

Sadie is about 7 weeks old and will be joining us on Sunday.  Tonight we made our trip to the pet store to stock up on puppy supplies.  Yes, I plead temporary insanity. 

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