Our tummies are full after a delicious breakfast!

Father and Son!
We did swim in the pool as well. It was a really hot weekend.
Once the game was over on Sunday, the focus shifted to practicing for the playoffs which were this past weekend. There were games on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It was double elimination, so once you lost 2 games you were out of the playoffs. We lost both Thursday and Friday. Jay ended up coming home from school on Friday sick. He had a sore throat and a fever. I immediately took him to the Dr. to check for strep (there have been cases in the school) but it came back negative. So he fought a little virus Friday and Saturday but by Sunday was feeling much better.
Where was I....oh yes, then the team had a game scheduled Saturday morning at 9am. Players had to be at the field, a 30 minute drive, by 8:15. The other team decided not to show because they thought it was optional. This is the same team where we had issues with the parents I spoke about here. So the kids split up and played for fun, the umpire had already been hired.
I love baseball season but it was so nice to NOT have to get ready for a game on Sunday. We had a nice relaxing Father's day at home swimming in the pool. The kids lavished their Dad with creations made at school and we purchased him a new watch. He has been wearing the one I bought him over 12 years ago as a wedding gift. I guess it was time to trade him up. He ended up doing a lot of research on watches and finally told me yesterday he was happy with my purchase.
We only have 1 day left of school. Jay is fighting a bad cough now, which the Dr. warned me could happen. They have been seeing a lot of that in the office. He woke up with really red eyes. At first, I thought pink eye, but he was not displaying any of the symptoms. I will continue to watch them and determine whether I need to take him in tomorrow. So he may miss his last day.
And now back to trying to get some stuff done.......
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