The one place I struggle with is at school functions. If the school has a function for a grade, it happens at the same time. It is not fun to split time between the two second grade classrooms.
Every year the kids have what is called an Author's Tea. The kids write and illustrate a book. Each year is a different theme. Last year, they wrote about a vacation or trip they had been on. This year the theme was fairly tales.
The husband and I started off in Jay's class. The teacher was very much into the theme and did a lot of preparation work. The boys were dressed as Knights and the girls as princesses. The children held hands as they walked into the room. A short presentation was made where each kid had a part.
Then the kids were able to read their stories to their parent(s). At this point my husband left to go to E's class.

Jay had a great story named "The Three Knights"

My knight!
E's story was named "The Three Monkeys". Dad spent a lot of time in the room with E. He heard stories from many of the kids in the class. I heard E loved reading his story and read to many of the parents. He was very excited because the parents signed each book after the child read it.

Dad and E.

Dad and E.
It was a little stressful trying to split time with the boys. I am sure they would have loved to have had us all in their class for the entire time. But I guess that is what being a twin is about. They have always had to share everything. Luckily, they are fairly easy going boys.
They did a great job on their books and I can't describe how proud I am of them.
When I downloaded pictures today I ran across one of Tee. On Monday, when he was exhausted and fell asleep on the couch we had to wake him for dinner. We brought him to the dinner table and he could not keep his eyes open but was eating. We got such a tickle out of it that I had to get the camera out.
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