Tee's last day of preschool was on Tuesday followed by an end of the year picnic on Thursday.
Tee with his teachers at the park!
He had a really great time in preschool this year. We are going to miss the teachers. If he had enrolled for next year he would have had the same teachers. I can't say enough good things about the school, except for the fact that the days need to be a little longer.
The boys had field day at school on Friday. The kids love field day!

Jay with his buddies. The one on the left is his neighborhood friend.
Lots of baseball this week and weekend. The boys had a make-up game on Tuesday. Then practice on Wednesday followed by the start of the weekend tournament on Friday. They lost the tournament game on Friday. They played again on Saturday. They won their first game on Saturday. It was such a good day. They played great.
Now the parents (the other team) on the other hand did not behave themselves so well. The umpire was not very good. In the first inning, he did not make a call that he needed to make. The first baseman was running to second when a kid from the other team got into his way. Interference should have been called. My husband argued, yes my husband, Mr. quiet easy going husband. I thought he was going to get ejected from the game for being too vocal. The ump said he didn't think the first baseman would have made it to second. My husband argued that the decision whether he made it or not was not his to make. He needed to call interference. The ump was telling the other team he didn't see it. That started off the game.
Apparently, the parents from the other team were saying stuff to our coach who was standing on third base when our kids were at bat. Then there was a parent standing at the opening of the dugout dropping the f-bomb. These are 7 and 8 year olds and I personally think using any kind of foul language is inappropriate. I have to say that made me extremely angry.
They lost their game on Sunday. I have to say I am a little glad they lost. If they won, they would have played again on Sunday. It was nice to have Sunday afternoon to relax.
We had the coach and his family over for dinner and swimming. The coach works very hard managing the team. He is lucky to have several Dads who help but he does a lot of the communications and then handles the equipment etc. It is a lot of work.
Monday we lounged most of the afternoon. A few families came over to swim in the pool. I think everyone had fun. I know my guys are very tired.
Tee ended up falling asleep on the couch before dinner this evening. The husband woke him up but he was still half asleep when he put him at the table. Tee was eating with his eyes closed. I have to say it was absolutely hilarious. And that is how we ended our long weekend.