Although it would be nice to get a little break every once in a while, I love hearing Tee say “I want my Mom”. He is a Momma’s boy. And I love being a Mom to all my very sweet and precious boys.
Today is Mother’s day. I always knew I wanted to be a Mom. I wanted to be a young Mom and have my children close together in age. I have learned, you don’t always get what you want when and how you want it. A key to having children was to find the right mate.
Luckily, the mate came along in my late 20’s. We were married a year or so before the clock started ticking so loud that it could not be ignored. So after a little convincing, we decided to give it a shot. After 9 or so months it got to be very depressing because nothing was happening.
We spent about a year working with a fertility specialist. Each failed attempt was getting harder to accept. I was always thinking well if this doesn’t work then what are we going to do next. I was NOT going to give up.
We were so excited to find out that we were having twins. I think my husband was even more excited that it was JUST twins. You never know what you are going to get when you start taking medication.
I still remember the day when E and Jay were born. I remember thanking God that they looked so different that I would be able to tell who was who. They are such a blessing to us. And they made me a Mom.
After E and Jay got a little older and were not as much work, I started working on the husband for another child. I felt like our family was not complete. Since I was advanced in age, we went directly to the same specialist. The treatment was going to be much different this time. I was scared but ready.
The month we were supposed to start treatment is the month that I found out I was pregnant. It was so hard to believe that we did it our own. It was so fun to tell my husband.
Tee came 4 weeks early. I remember having a terrible night’s sleep. I woke up to contractions. So what do I do, I get in the shower to shave my legs. I was not going to give birth with hairy legs even though I knew I would have a C-section. I had planned to meet the husband at the office but the pain was so much that I had to wait for him to pick me up. Luckily, the hospital and Dr’s office was only a few miles from our house.
The doctor examined me and my water broke on the table. I was immediately taken to the labor and delivery floor where Tee was born. I remember after they pulled and tugged at him to free him from my belly I didn’t hear anything. I held my breath until I heard that first cry. He was just as precious (and small) like the first two. Although he had a rough few weeks of life he is doing great.
I love my role as Mom. It is not always easy but I would not change a thing.
On this Mother’s day, I was lavished with gifts. I got beautiful earrings, workout shirts and shirts. My boys made lovely cards and crafts at school for me. Josh completed sentences about me. I love that he thinks the best thing I do is cook. And I am as pretty as a “delicate flower”. Tee brought home a flower in a pot. On the flower pot is a big sticker that says he loves me because I take him for walks. I will cherish all of these gifts.
Happy Mother’s day to all!
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