It unfortunately was not a warm weekend. It was a bit chilly although the sun was shining and many people got sun from watching both games.

I am not sure why we have white uniforms. It will never look as nice as it did on the first day that is for sure. I do not have a picture of Jay because he was having major issues Saturday morning as we were getting him ready. Lots of crying. Sunday went much better after our talk. But on Sunday they were running late and I was not able to snap a photo.

EE pitched 3 innings at the game on Sunday and did extremely well. He really enjoys pitching.
Tee and I only made it to one game. I knew that Tee would not be able to make a day at the ball field. We went to the second game on Saturday.
No he is not a little ham or anything.
Both boys had some really great plays on Sunday that I missed.
Our normal season will be; a game on Wednesday evenings, practice on Friday and a game on Sundays.
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