The Garden
We decided to have a garden this year. The boys are excited about us growing some vegetables and I allowed them each to pick out one package of seeds. We have a nice spot for our garden but we had a few obstacles in the way.
These plants had to be dug up. That was a fairly hard task. I did a few of them on my own, however, I needed the man strength to get a few of these out. My neighbor took a few and we (meaning the husband) replanted some elsewhere in the yard so we only ended up getting rid of 2. You know how I like to be as green as I can be.
Since our garden was not ready for any planting, we planted the seeds in a starter kit. Within a week we had growth out of all of the seeds. We have corn, carrots, cucumber, green beans and squash planted in the garden.
My husband worked very hard and very fast on getting the box built around the garden. I was able to dump my soil and transfer the plants on Friday evening. I think we waited too long to do the transfer as it was very difficult to remove from the starter kit. I hope in a few weeks I will have some more growth in the box and after all this hard work (and money) I hope we yield something!
We had 7 yards of mulch delivered on Friday to freshen up our beds. We feel that this must be done once a year. I don't have a picture of what 7 yards of mulch looks like but believe me when I tell you it is a bunch. We spent a good part of the day yesterday moving mulch and we still have about 3 yards to go. Ah, you ask me why am I not out there spreading instead of typing. We all would be but it has been raining here all day. There has not been one let up and I draw the line at working outside in the rain. Instead I have finally been able to work on cleaning the inside of the house....which really needed to be done.
The Bathroom
The remediation company was in this past week and gutted our entire bathroom. The only items that remain are the tub and the toilet. I am not sure I mentioned this but there was bad mold found in our bathroom (I can barely say the kind much less spell it). And there was also some mold in places that the Environmental company could not see. I think we made the right decision in going ahead and gutting now.
We are in the process of finalizing our cabinets and counter tops for the bathroom. We should have the estimate tomorrow and the order will be place on Wednesday and it will be a 3 to 5 week turn around. The husband worked with another cabinet place but they had a 6 to 8 week turnaround. We do not want to wait that long. The person helping us was not that nice when I spoke with her on the phone. I actually thought she was a little rude in her tone. We went to a different place and are happy with what they have to offer.
I picked out the floor and shower tiles on my own. I was able to bring one tile home as a sample. I am not sure my husband loves it, but I think it is going to look very nice in the bathroom.
The only things left to get are the plumbing items, lights and mirrors. At this point we don't know when the contractor will start but hopefully in the next week or so.
In addition to dealing with all of the above we have had 2 first grade teas to attend along with baseball games and Lacrosse. Not much time to sit and relax lately and we still have other projects waiting for us. I will write about the teas in a different post.
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