Friday, May 22, 2009 last

It seems hard to believe that after about 2 months of not being able to use the master bath that it is now being reconstructed. Our contractor has been out the last 2 days working. They have enlarged the shower area, worked on all of the plumbing and have done clean up of the bathroom area. Next week our tile should be installed along with our cabinets. The only items that will cause delays are the counter tops (because the cabinets must be in so a template can be made) and the glass frame for the shower (because that will have to be measured once the shower in in tact). It will be so nice to be back in our bathroom once again.

Tee and I stopped by the boys' school for field day. It was really hot and Tee was very tired so we did not stay the entire time. We watched a few events and then left. I had to stop by the store (Kohls) quickly to buy a gift. I had Tee in one of the strollers. As I was strolling down the isle, Tee spots the bras and immediately starts saying "mommy boobies" over and over and over again. I got a few looks at which point I just had to laugh.

I don't use my GPS system often (when we moved here I used it a lot), but still need it on occasion. Last week I was driving on a back road and missed a turn. Yes, even with my system telling me where to go, I missed the turn. I then turned into the parking lot beyond my turn so that I could get back on the road. As I am driving in the parking lot, the lady on the system says, "there is a better route". So I turned her off.

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