I remember having had a hard time sleeping the night before I gave birth. There was nothing in particular that was wrong, I couldn't sleep and was uncomfortable. I got up and immediately determined I did not feel well. I postponed taking my boys to preschool and opted to wait it out. And then it happened, the contraction came on lightning fast. I called my husband whose car was in the shop but he was at work. He decided to get to the car shop (in the middle of rush hour) to get his car to come home. (side note: my husband was out of the country the week before I gave birth. He is very lucky the baby waited for him to come home) I called my Dr. and they told me to come in. At this point I still wasn't positive I was in labor. You always hear about false labor. So I had some time in which I could shower and shave my legs. I couldn't fathom the thought of going to the hospital without shaving. As I used the bathroom before getting in the shower I lost my mucus plug.
Let me back up here a minute. I did not go into labor with the twins. I was induced, then had my water broken and then started having contractions. I ended up with an epidural fairly early in the process to end up with a C-section. So all of this going into labor on my own was not something I had experienced.
I finally get to the Dr.'s office and they do a check. As soon as he opened me up my water broke and went everywhere. I was 1 centimeter dilated. A little part of me thought I should try for a vaginal delivery but I quickly came to my senses and decided that it would be best to do the c-section as I had been planning since the beginning of this pregnancy. I remember being so concerned because I didn't feel any movement of the baby, but they checked and he was doing ok.
I get whisked off to the Labor and Delivery floor that is attached to the Dr.'s office. Very convenient! We had to wait a while but they finally got us in and I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who weighed a mere 5 pounds 4 ounces. He was smaller than either twin. He was 4 weeks early. I had a planned c-section scheduled for March 15th. I was not completely ready for him yet, but he was ready to make his appearance.
My little guy on his birthday!
His brothers were very excited to meet him.
There ended up being some complications and he was taken to the NICU the night after he was born. If I remember correctly, the charge (positive/negative) in his blood platelets was the opposite of mine. This had nothing to do with blood type. So his count was dangerously low. He would have blood drawn every day and little by little the count was coming up, but was still very low. He was in the NICU for a few days and then he got jaundice and was put under lights. I ended up having to leave him at the hospital for 2 days.
His blood platelet count eventually started to rise and reach normal. I can't tell you how scared we were that something terrible could be wrong with him.
Today he is a very active 2 year old. Always ready to go.

He has Daddy's jacket and Mommy's purse and he is ready to go "bye bye".
He has Daddy's jacket and Mommy's purse and he is ready to go "bye bye".
We are having a few friends over to celebrate his big day tomorrow. I will post pictures after tomorrow.
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