We worked with a Reproductive Specialist (RE) for almost 10 months and that is after 1 year of trying on our own. There was a lot of poking and prodding with no real answers as I am sure is the case for many people. On our 4th round of IUI we found out we were pregnant and were elated. Once you start working with a RE they monitor your progress very closely. This meant going in for daily blood tests. My initial blood test indicated a possibility of more than one. On my 3rd blood test I received a call regarding my blood test. My levels had actually dropped which meant that this would not be a sustainable pregnancy. The Dr. called us that evening to discuss the details. It was a wait and see but he wanted to track my levels regardless. I was so incredibly sad at this point. After my next blood test, I received a call from the office asking me to come in to get a scan. My levels had actually increased beyond significantly. We were both thinking that something was still wrong. Were we surprised when the Dr. told us that not only were we expecting and everything was ok, but we had "snake eyes".
I was very careful during the pregnancy. By the 6 month I was put on modified bed rest but very soon after I was put on full bed rest. I had been contracting too much and my cervix was a very thin. I spent all of December and January at home laying on the couch and not doing much of anything. I was also huge and had no energy to do anything. I cherished the days I was able to get out even if for a little while.
My Dr. took pity on me and decided to induce my labor at 38 weeks. The babies were big enough to be ok once of our their safe house. My labor didn't progress and when my Dr. suggested a C-section at 9pm I jumped on it. I had heard too many stories regarding one baby born vaginally and the other born by emergency c-section.

EE is on the left and Jay is on the right. Snuggling days after being delivered.
After they were born, I remember being very worried that I would not be able to tell them apart. Luckily, they looked so different that it was not an issue.
Our life changed forever on this day in 2002. It is something we will cherish for the rest of our lives.
At 7 years old. EE, Jay and Dad.
I am not sure how 7 years has passed so quickly. But the proof is in the picture.
Happy birthday! You are loved more than you can possibly understand at this point.
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