Thursday, July 3, 2008

Lots of questions

It was another difficult morning and a lot of bickering going on between E & J. J always has to have the last word and will do annoying things to his brother if he does not do what he wants. Hmm...a little of this reminds me of my brother.

J has been taking care of his baby pet frog we found in the pool yesterday. There were actually 3 of them. J put one in a bucket with some water and they are trying to catch flies to feed it. This has been a nice distraction for today.

We have been faced with answering lots of questions for the boys lately. Last week I found myself explaining divorce to the boys. My neighbor (the Dad) has custody of his two children and their Mom gets them during her allotted time. The boy is a rising 6th grader, who is currently fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma (and responding great to his chemo treatments), will come play with the boys sometimes. He had to leave one day because his Mom was here to pick him up. I had to explain why the kids' Mom did not live with them. It makes it more difficult that my neighbor has a "friend" that is at his house a lot. This past weekend the hubs (got a name from hubs' Mom - thanks) drove by a cemetery and explained death and being buried in a casket in the ground. The questions the boys asked: "Do the bugs get you when you are underground?" and "How do you see down there?". I think the hubs did a great job with this topic. And this morning during breakfast, J asked me how Santa see everything that everyone does. I was not ready for this one. It is July right? I gave a lame Santa sees all response. I am going to have to come up with a better explanation than that. I am sure that this is the start of many years of difficult questions. On my to do list is to prepare for the multitude of questions little people can ask. I guess by the time Baby T gets older we will be ready for anything.

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