Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Last minute

Nothing like doing a little last minute shopping for wedding attire. My boys seems to get taller by the minute. This morning we took a trip to Old Navy for some khakis. It is a good thing when you actually find what you are looking for. Luckily, the craft store was right next to Old Navy. We went in and I let the boys pick out a few different crafts. The boys love to work on crafts and I am hoping this will help some of the arguing.

We decided that E & J need some additional responsibilities around the house. Currently, they are responsible for making their beds everyday, clearing their plates at meals and cleaning up the play room. They are getting to the age where they can certainly help out in additional ways. They will now start helping with their laundry. They must put their dirty clothes in the basket, take downstairs, put in the wash and in the dryer when it is time. I still have to work the machines. They will also start helping fold and put away. They will also help by rolling in the garbage and recycle cans every week. I think the cans are a bit too heavy for them to roll out right now but they can certainly roll them back into the garage. I have to say the boys are happy to help. I have not heard them complain about the added responsibilities. I feel like they are happy to help out.

Baby T update: He seems to be growing like a weed. His vocabulary includes the following: pizza (ok I am thinking we may be eating a little too much of that), nite nite, bus, bye, more, mama, dada, E (this is for his brother), nana (banana), ding dong (for his belly button although doesn't really sound like I say it), bird, no no and I am sure there are a few more that I can not remember. It seems amazing to me that he knows as many words as he does. He favorite thing to do right now is turn in circles and get dizzy. He is close to figuring out how to go down the steps. Once he gets it I will video for you. And I know I still owe you his reaction to being on a swing.

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