Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween 2012

Although Hurricane Sandy caused 2 days off of school, we were fortunate that Halloween was a go.  You know Halloween is really important.

The older boys purchased scary hooded costumes and Tee was able to "shop" in our bin.  His choices were a blue power ranger, a red power ranger or a puffed up spiderman.  He decided he would wear the two power ranger costumes(we had a few parties to attend).

We went to a friend's house for dinner on Wednesday.  The kids were all very excited.   

A picture of the group!
I managed to NOT get a good picture of my kids at all.
Most of the kids in the picture above went house to house together.  Just call me Sally social planner.  I tried hard to make sure everyone was happy.  The group started out with 8 kids and 3 adults (my husband being one of them).  At one point the group ended up with 2 adults and only 7 kids.  Then at the end is was only my husband with 5 kids.  Tee and his friend did a great job keeping up with the older boys.  

After the first couple of houses, the masks on E and Jay came off.  Unbelievable to me.  So I told the boys from now on, no more expensive costumes.  They will need to be a little more creative and definitely no more masks.

Tee ended up tuckering out about 1 hour.  He came and hung out with the ladies.  The older boys kept going.  They got a lot of candy.  In fact, we just went through today and sorted.  They kept some and we are donating the rest.  I have a friend who will take the candy to a homeless shelter.

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