Monday, July 9, 2012

How did we get here?

I am not sure how we got here but I know for sure this is not where we can stay. At first it appeared to come on very suddenly. Then we realized it has been a problem for a while and we got little bits of it here and there. Now it just seems really big but we are hoping to be on track to get it under control. 

Our first born is having so many issues. We really took note of it probably about a year ago. He would have these crying fits. He would typically say that he hated his life during these periods. We, the husband and I, knew this wasn’t normal but at the same time thought he would grow out of this stage. It was hard for us to understand and we were not really sure where it all was coming from. These fits eventually became less and less but the problem didn’t go away.

The problem is a little more evident during sports. He strives to be the best and is disappointed when he is not. It was a little problem during basketball in the winter but really came to a head during the baseball season. They practice throughout the winter and start tournaments in March prior to the season starting in April. They played many more games this season.

He was giving the coaches (including Dad) a hard time during practices. He did not like being corrected and at times he would end up crying. Prior to every practice a talk was usually had but it really didn’t help much.

The end of the season was worse than it had been all year. He had started to struggle a bit with hitting which would spark this terrible attitude. He did get taken out of a few games and he only played in a few innings in the last tournament they played in.

Summer and non-routine days has not been a good thing for my child. He struggles with what to do minute by minute. Any suggestions given are shrugged off. He has really been so angry much of the time. If you correct him for anything, he will usually stomp off and get really mad.

I can’t describe how frustrating/upsetting this has been for both the husband and I. It hurts so badly to not be able to do anything to help your child. It is hard to see your child suffering. It just sucks all around.

You would never know any of this if you just met my child or were around him for a little bit. He is such a sweet caring child.

I am not sure why I didn’t do something prior to now and why I let it get this bad. But that is no longer the case. I have a friend who referred me to this great psychologist. She works just with children.

The husband and I met with the psychologist a few weeks ago. We were able to share all of the experiences we have had. She is certain she can help us. What a relief.

E’s first appointment was last week and boy did he throw a fit. I literally had to drag him to the car and into the office. But I felt so much better when he walked out with a smile on his face. I asked him after the appointment if he liked her and he said yes. I also asked him if he thought she would be able to help him and he says yes. He is getting help, now, while he is young and before we get too deep into whatever we are dealing with.

Today was his second appointment. There was no fight to have to go. He came out with a smile on his face. He told me a little about what they talked about. So I guess I don’t really care how we got here anymore…..and I know we have a long way to go but I am just focusing on getting better.

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