Friday, February 3, 2012


The day started out pretty well but as the day progressed I started to get more and more annoyed. 

After I picked up Tee from preschool, I let him play on the playground for a while with one of his friends.  The Mom and I were talking about what we feel is missing from the preschool.  She said let's see what they brought home today.  There was a note in the folder talking about Valentine's Day.  Valentine's day falls on a Tuesday so when would you expect the kids would celebrate?  I would think on Tuesday, but the teacher wants to have the party on Friday the 17th.  What would be the point?  The issue is that the public school are off that day and more than likely Tee won't be in school.  I was so upset that I marched back into school and spoke to the director and asst director.  I explained the situation and asked them if they could remedy.  I certainly don't want to have him miss the party but why would you not celebrate on the day.

The boys have a birthday tomorrow.  We debated on how to celebrate because they did not want to do the same kind of party.  I am not ready to have two separate parties at this point.  Since I am the planner it does have to be convenient for me.  So we settled on a dodge ball party.  The boys were told that they could invite 5 friends.  They were having a hard time and we spent some time working on their list. 

E decided to not invite one of his good friends.  This friend tends not to do well with lots of boys.  We really didn't think that dodge ball would be his thing.  Well, the other day, E came home telling me he felt so bad that he didn't invite him.  There was a friend who was going around telling people he was invited to my kid's birthday party.  I felt bad for E.  We talked and I decided I would call his Mom and let her know the situation.  She was ok with it and her son has decided he will join us.

And if that was not enough.  One of Jay's friends is a little upset he is not invited.  One of the boys invited doesn't like this other boy and keeps reminding him that he is not invited..  I feel terrible because I made him invite this not so nice boy.  He claims to be his friend and I just didn't understand how he could not invite him. 

I think parties may be a thing of the past.  I just can't stand all of this nonsense that goes on.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow!

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