Tuesday, June 14, 2011

They all do it at one time or another

It seems inevitable that at one point or another a child will pick up scissors and do a little cutting.  Yes, they like to cut papers, sometimes important ones.  But what I am talking about it cutting your hair.  Tee took a little chunk out of his head.  It appears it will be a buzz cut for him this weekend.  See for yourself.

The last month in our house has been a very challenging one.  I am frustrated beyond belief and something has to change soon.  The boys argue all the time.  They will start playing together and then it ends in an argument.  It is all three boys.

The attitude of those in this house is just terrible.  Lots of eye rolling, stomping, door slamming and sighing.  Ok, the sighing may be coming from me because how much can a Mom take. 

Friends tell me the same thing is going on in their house as well.  I guess it could be the transition to summer.  Speaking of summer, we only have 1 week left of school.  And next week it is only 3 half days.  I am definitely ready to be free from the daily routine.  It is time for a break.  And time to get rid of the attitude and fighting.

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