I don't think you ever understand how becoming a parent can change your life. Not in a bad way. I just never imagined that when one of my baby hurts I will hurt along with him.
Tee was born 4 weeks early. He had complications after birth. His blood sugar levels were really low and his platelet counts were dangerously low. He was being given formula to increase the blood sugar levels and his platelet counts were done every day. They were creeping up but no where near what they should be. Later we would find out that I had positive platelets and Tee had negative so we had to wait until his could reproduce and mine where out of his system. Scary stuff especially when the sent us to a blood cancer Doc.
With these issues, Tee would have to wait until he could be circumcised. When he was a couple of months old, I was finally given the go ahead and made the appointment. I talked the office into doing IT on my first visit. They wanted me to have a consult and then come back all because of insurance purposes. Yes, I was probably a little hormonally charged.
The Doc comes in and takes a look. And after I hear about the insurance issues I will likely cause he started getting prepped. My dilemma, do I stay in or do I walk away and come to him to comfort when it is all over. Well, there would be no one in the room except the Doc so there was no way I could leave. I stayed in the room over my baby's head and tried to comfort him as much as I could. He cried all the way home and I just felt terrible. I knew it had to be done (it was our choice but we did want him to be like his brothers) and there was no way it would be right for my husband to take him.
A few months ago, we noticed that Tee was snoring. The snoring concerned us because Jay used to snore a lot like that. We knew Tee had big tonsils just like Jay but it didn't necessarily mean they would have to come out like Jay's did.
I took him to an ENT doc who confirmed via x-ray that his adenoids were 2 times larger than they should be. He also tested him for strep, he had just finished the medication for strep. The Doc made a suggestion of trying nose spray to see if we could reduce the size of the adenoids. I guess I had gone in with the fact that he was going to have surgery and the Doc sensed that. Tee did end up having strep again.
I scheduled surgery but there was still this little bit of doubt about whether we were doing the right thing. During this time he had an ear infection but I didn't know until he had his pre-op appt. He had only complained a few times about his ear hurting.
Yesterday was the day. He was so brave and didn't complain. Of course, having the itouch helped. It wasn't until I picked him up to take him to the OR that he started to get nervous. He hugged me tight and would not let go. I stayed while he was given the gas to get him to go to sleep. He did well but towards the end he started fighting it. At this point he was facing me and the nurse helped me keep his head up. It didn't take long until he was out. I will never forget how he looked when I left him. As soon as I got him on the table they escorted me out to the waiting room.
The Doc came out after the 40 minute surgery. He said he did great, the tonsils were huge as were the adenoids. He also split open his ear drum to let the fluid drain. I mentioned his ear infection and he took a look before he went into surgery. He ended up adding this to the paperwork and said he would look at it when he was in there. It was good to hear confirmation that we made the right decision.
A few minutes later we were taken back to recovery. Tee was crying. It is so hard to see him in such discomfort. I ended up holding him and after crying on and off for a while he finally fell asleep. He woke up after an hour or so. He was able to eat a Popsicle and drink some juice. We were then sent on our way.
He has been doing ok since he has been home. I know it hurts. He doesn't like his pain medication taste so that has been a challenge. But loves the shakes I make him. We are hoping and praying that he recovers quickly. I hate to see him in such pain.
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