Let the school routine begin. Today was the first day of school for the boys. It is hard to believe they are in 3rd grade already. Where did my little boys go?
Last Friday, we were able to go in and meet their teachers. Jay has a fairly young teacher. This is her 5th year teaching I believe. She is very attractive. I heard that the one of the American Girl dolls was modeled after her. E has a male teacher this year. The only male teacher in the building. I have heard great things about both of them. Luckily, my boys tend to be able to adapt to any type of teacher.
I had to get the first day of school picture of the boys. E was being a little silly while Jay was definitely more serious.
Mr. cranky pants didn't want his picture taken. He has been missing his brothers today.

The best part was that the husband took the day off today. He was able to walk to the bus stop with us.
The bus stop was unbelievably filled with soo many children. We didn't lose that many children from last year to middle school but we have added many more children. It seemed like the bus was jam packed.
I can't wait to hear how the first day went for the boys. We are going to treat the boys tonight and take them out to dinner.
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