Monday, April 26, 2010

The weekend included sleepless nights

I helped a little with the school auction that was held this past Friday. Putting together an auction is a lot of work. There were 2 ladies who led the charge with several other people to help out. We had a really nice time. I ended up helping at the event with closing tables and checking out so my husband was in charge of checking on our bids. We ended up coming home with a lot of nice items. We have a beach condo for a weekend, ski lessons, amusement park tickets and lots of other items. I won’t even go into how much money we spent but as my husband said it is for a good cause.

The last 3 nights Tee has woken up because of a bad dream. The dream seems to be the same every night. He keeps telling me that there is a “bus driver” in our house. To translate, “bus driver” means a bus. I have tried to explain that the bus driver drives the bus and the bus stop is where we wait for the kids to get off the bus. It is very confusing to him.

It is very hard to reason with a 3 year old. This morning at 4 am he started crying in bed calling for me. I walk in and he starts talking about a bus driver being in the hallway outside of his room. I picked him up, walked him out and showed him that in fact there was no bus in the house. It usually takes me laying with him for a few minutes for him to calm down and go back to sleep.

The late night wake ups are making me very tired. I hope that the dreams stop sometime soon.

This past Sunday, I taught 2nd grade (E and Jay’s class) Sunday school. Well, actually I didn’t really teach as I was just the helper. I have wanted to figure out what they do in Sunday school for some time now. The boys tend not to give me much information when asked about the lesson.

The program seems fine but I am struggling with the safety of the children. I feel that safety should be top priority within the program and the church.

Safety does not seem to be priority to some. Most of the kids were dropped off by a parent but the parent did not sign them in on the attendance book. Some kids walked in with no parent present. The kids are allowed to walk to the bathroom in the hallway by themselves. There was one girl who said she would have to leave class and meet her Mom upstairs because her Mom was working a table after service. This one girl then came back down and got another girl from class and said her Mom was upstairs waiting also.

This gives me a very uneasy feeling. I would feel horrible if one child got "misplaced" on my watch. I think even in 2nd grade the children should be checked in and checked out. I may be a little nutty but better nutty then sorry.

I am working on an email to the coordinator of Sunday school. Maybe she knows or maybe she doesn’t. I would be happy to help teach Sunday school but I feel like they need to tighten up the safety just a bit. I am curious as to her response.

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