Monday, November 9, 2009

The boys

The boys played their last two baseball games for the season on Sunday. They won one and lost the other. It has been so nice to see how much the boys’ skills have improved over the last few years. I never thought I was very competitive and when it involves me I still don’t think I am (that competitive). My husband will probably think this is very untrue especially when we play games. He is a sore loser and I am a sore winner.

I feel a little competitive for the boys although I don’t show or say anything. They need to understand you win some and you lose some but the most important thing is to have fun. The boys play on a team in which some of the kids are really good and some are not. Sorry no nice way to say it. There is one kid who finally made his first hit of the season on Sunday.

The boys tried out and made the spring travel baseball team. They currently only have 6 definite players and are trying to recruit more. I believe they need 12 players. We are very excited for them as I think this will be a great experience. They really do love to play baseball.

The boys (and the rest of the team) will have to work on their skills over the winter. They will be practicing at an indoor baseball facility and possibly do a few clinics.

The boys had basketball evaluations this past weekend. I believe basketball will start in a few weeks. They will practice 2 times a week until the league starts in December and then they will practice one day and have a game on the other. We will be a little busy this winter.

The other little boy has been growing, talking and getting into mischief lately. He has learned how to ride his tricycle. Very cute to see him pedaling down our driveway. He does well going down him but can’t pedal up the slight hills.

He is talking non-stop. Every question he asks me has to be repeated about 10 times. Yes, the same exact question. For example, after the boys get on the bus to go to school he will ask me “when my guys be home?” Then he will start with when will Daddy be home. I feel like I repeat what I say so much, almost enough to make me crazy.

He has gotten a little taller also. The 2T clothes are now high waters. It is amazing how quickly he has grown.

This morning he bit, and I don’t just mean a little bite, his brother Jay. I am not sure what was going on but Jay laid down on something Tee was making. Tee climbed on him and bit him on the back side of his shoulder. It looked like it hurt so badly. Honestly, I wanted to cry for Jay. I felt bad about having to put him on the bus a short while after that happened.

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