Today as I was sorting laundry near the boys' bedrooms, I look as the baby is getting up on the bed and stepping off. Yes, this is the reason I spend a lot of money to have my hair colored every three or four months.
But this is not what this post is about. It is about sports. There are 2 major organizations and the Parks and Rec that offer team sports. The Parks and Rec does a nice job with their sports. The boys played instructional basketball in the fall and I was impressed. The other 2 orgs. are similar. I have talked to a few people who like one over the other for specific reasons. For example, Org 2 does a travel baseball league. We have played baseball for Org 1 the last two season. We have had no issues with baseball. In fact, I would say it was well run and any problems were not apparent to us.
I didn't think twice about signing the boys up for basketball through Org. 1. Because of their age, I had to sign them up for a 5/6 instructional league. I wasn't very sure about this but was restricted by their age. Oh and sign ups start very early. In fact, I can sign the boys up for baseball now and the programs begins in April some time. I am not sure why the long registration period.
We did not receive any information from the league until early November. This note said that the start date was delayed due to lack of coaches for all the teams. It was explained that we would meet each Wednesday and Friday. The first half hour is for practice and the second half hour would be a game between the two teams meeting at the same facility. Ok, didn't sound that bad.
We then got invited to a "kick-off" meeting so the coach could go over a few things with the parents and the kids could get acquainted. My husband took the boys to this meeting. He came home and was very disappointed. He could not hear one thing anyone said the entire night. He said that the gym was double booked and pure mayhem. Not a good start. And to top if off EE and Jay are about a head taller then everyone on their team. In fact, they are the only first graders on the team. Funny to watch how they tower over all of the kids.
The first real practice was the week that followed. They were assigned to a gym that did not have the 8 foot goals. So they were not able to practice shooting that day. We were also set to practice the following Friday but it got canceled because schools were closing early for the holiday and there would be no access to the gym.
We finally get a schedule set. I print it out and fill my calendar with the pertinent information. Then we get another email stating that the calendar had to be changed due to conflicts with some of the gyms.
I have a feeling we will be dealing with the chaos the entire season, which by the way lasts through February. I am not sure what to do. Part of me would like to pull them out, but we have already paid and they are not aware of the awkwardness of them being so much taller (and frankly better) than everyone on the team.
In talking with my neighbor, who also has three boys, she has said nice things about Org. 2. I wish I had known that before I signed them up. Org. 2 has a team of just first graders. How awesome would that have been.