EE and Jay on their first day of First Grade.
Waiting and getting on the bus.
We met the teachers on Friday at a meet and greet. The boys got to see their classrooms and most importantly see if they have any friends in class. It seems like most of the people they had in their classes last year on all spread into different classes this year. One good thing is that the boys will be able to walk into class together because their rooms are right across from each other. I think they will have a good year and they will have the opportunity to make new friends. If you notice in the picture above the boys have a target bag filled with the school supplies they are required to bring in (there backpack is filled with supplies also). I did not realize that we were supposed to take our supplies on Friday when we met the teachers. This is our first full year at this school. At least I will know for next year.
I may have over committed myself but I will be actively involved in the school this year. I have volunteered as a co-chair on the Special Events committee on the PTA. We have 4 events that are spread out throughout the year and I have already scouted out my helpers for some of these events. I will be a Room Parent for one of my boys' class and I will help with the other class if no one has signed up. I am also making plans to volunteer in each of their classrooms at least 2 times per month or more if I can get it to work out with finding a sitter. I like to experience the class dynamics and the only way to do that is to be involved. I am sure I will have more to say about this as the year goes on.
The Moms and some Dads got together at my neighbors' annual Back to school breakfast. It was nice to see old faces as it has been all summer since we have seen lots of these people. My husband was home from work today so he was able to take the baby while I stayed and mingled.
Off to enjoy the last hour and a half I have before the boys come home.
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