Our twins are different in so many ways. This was evident from the time they were born. And they remain very different. Of course, we love them and their differences.
The boys have always had different sleep patterns from very early on. E had no problems where as Jay had issues going to sleep and staying asleep. These have remained the same even now.
Why am I talking about sleep habits? Well, once Jay was potty trained he immediately was able to make it through the night dry. E not so much.
I brought the issue up every year with his Dr. and I got the same answer every time. He is a hard sleeper, his bladder had not matured yet and it would happen eventually. This is very common.
I didn't like this answer because I wanted him to be dry. E didn't care much about having to wear a pull-up to bed. So about a year ago I purchased a bed wetting alarm. I read the book and we went through the exercises. We tried the alarm for maybe 4 or 5 nights. Each night I had to get up to this really loud annoying alarm to make a bed. He gave it up, I didn't push and that was that.
This past July, E asked me if he could try the alarm again or as he called it that thing in which I had to ask many questions to find out what he was talking about. So I got the alarm out, purchased new batteries and he tried it again.
The first night the alarm went off and we got up to change the sheets and pajamas. The following night he was ready to give it up. He was tired. We encouraged him to give it another try. One night was not a try. The next nights were better. The alarm would wake him up in time for him to make it to the bathroom. No more sheets being changed and many nights I did not hear him. He was able to do it all on his own. It happened very quickly. Yes, now and then we may have an accident but that is ok.
I am very proud of him. He set out to do this and he did it own. It happened just like they said it would, when he was ready. And I am saving the alarm for Tee who shows absolutely no desire to be dry at night.
Now my excuse of no sleepovers (because of pull-up wearing) is no longer valid. I better think of something good quick.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Our October calendar was very full. I don't know that we had a free weekend. Last spring, we bid (at the school auction) and won tickets to Dutch Wonderland. It is an amusement park about an hour away from us. It is a little smaller on scale and good for younger children. The tickets expired mid-October so we felt that we had to use them.
We left early one Saturday morning and spent the entire day at the park. As luck would have it my camera ran out of battery life so my pictures were limited.

A little fun with Tee while waiting for his brothers to get off of a ride.

Mom and boys on the train ride!

Tee was not sure about the train ride at first but loved it.

The husband had to do bumper cars 3 times, one time with each child. Tee liked the ride but he was very scared.
Well, I got the letter in the mail and we received 4 complimentary tickets to go back. Nice right? Yes, but the tickets expire in December of 2010. Come on Dutch Wonderland....really......you couldn't splurge and have the tickets expire sometime in 2011. The park is only open from 3 to 9 on the weekends at this point. So we should drive up there 1 hour to get there at 3 to stay for a few hours and the drive home would be another hour. We have young children who go to bed early. I thought that Dutch Wonderland could really do better than that.
Maybe we will go back.....or maybe not. I am still trying to decide whether to write a letter and let them know my thoughts or not.
We left early one Saturday morning and spent the entire day at the park. As luck would have it my camera ran out of battery life so my pictures were limited.
A little fun with Tee while waiting for his brothers to get off of a ride.
Mom and boys on the train ride!
Tee was not sure about the train ride at first but loved it.
The husband had to do bumper cars 3 times, one time with each child. Tee liked the ride but he was very scared.
The husband took all the boys down the flume ride. We ended up having to buy the picture of their flume coming down the hill. E was in front and doing fine, Jay looked like he was going to barf and Tee looked like he was holding on for dear life.
It is nice that the park is not large because we did a lot of walking around. We played games, we saw a Thomas show and did many rides. E loves the swings. Jay is not much of a ride goer. I guess he takes after his Mom.
The park had a "guess the pumpkin" contest. All the boys entered the contest. I ended up getting a phone call a few weeks ago letting me know that Josh won the contest. He was one pound off. The husband gave the weights to each of the kids. We were so excited. I wasn't really sure what we won as my cell phone was cutting out.
Well, I got the letter in the mail and we received 4 complimentary tickets to go back. Nice right? Yes, but the tickets expire in December of 2010. Come on Dutch Wonderland....really......you couldn't splurge and have the tickets expire sometime in 2011. The park is only open from 3 to 9 on the weekends at this point. So we should drive up there 1 hour to get there at 3 to stay for a few hours and the drive home would be another hour. We have young children who go to bed early. I thought that Dutch Wonderland could really do better than that.
Maybe we will go back.....or maybe not. I am still trying to decide whether to write a letter and let them know my thoughts or not.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A trip to the petting farm
Tee's class went to the petting farm this past Friday. It was required that at least 10 parent chaperones on this field trip. The preschool hired a bus company to take the 3 and 4 year old classes.
Tee has had recurring nightmares about buses. So as you can imagine when I found that they would be taking a bus that I HAD to be able to chaperone this field trip. Luckily, I got my name on the list early enough.
We boarded the bus and Tee was still doing fine. I had one of his friends also. Tee sat next to me on the bus. As we took off, Tee grabbed on to me and didn't let go until we arrived at the farm. But I think he enjoyed the trip.
Once we were done with the animals, we were taken on a hay ride. The kids were able to eat their snack along the way. The hayride dropped us off at a pumpkin patch and each child was able to pick one of their own.
Tee has had recurring nightmares about buses. So as you can imagine when I found that they would be taking a bus that I HAD to be able to chaperone this field trip. Luckily, I got my name on the list early enough.
We boarded the bus and Tee was still doing fine. I had one of his friends also. Tee sat next to me on the bus. As we took off, Tee grabbed on to me and didn't let go until we arrived at the farm. But I think he enjoyed the trip.
Tee on the bus, still not sure at this point.
Tee did not want to pet or feed many of the animals. He fed the sheep and that was that. He immediately wanted to wash his hands afterwards. He definitely has issues with clean hands.
I did manage to get him to pet one of the animals brought out.
Once we were done with the animals, we were taken on a hay ride. The kids were able to eat their snack along the way. The hayride dropped us off at a pumpkin patch and each child was able to pick one of their own.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Golden Shoe
Last week the boys had their Golden shoe race. The race is held by class. The students run a mile and their time and place is recorded as they enter the finish line. Points are somehow assigned (basically you want the kids in your class to come in first) and the class with the least amount of points are allowed to brag and hold onto the golden shoe for the year.
I had the boys practice a little running before the race, but they have so many sports that it was a bit hard to schedule.
It was a little hard to keep track of the kids as they were running. They both ran by me and I didn't realize it until it was too late. But I did manage to get a few pictures.
E came in 13th of the 125 kids in his class. I have to say I was shocked to see how fast he was running. He just kept going and going. I saw him stop once just to catch his breath for a moment.
Jay came in 21st. He did very well also and I believe he only stopped once for a few seconds.

The boys waiting patiently for the results. Neither of the boys' class won, but E's was a close second.
I had the boys practice a little running before the race, but they have so many sports that it was a bit hard to schedule.
It was a little hard to keep track of the kids as they were running. They both ran by me and I didn't realize it until it was too late. But I did manage to get a few pictures.
E came in 13th of the 125 kids in his class. I have to say I was shocked to see how fast he was running. He just kept going and going. I saw him stop once just to catch his breath for a moment.
Jay came in 21st. He did very well also and I believe he only stopped once for a few seconds.

The boys waiting patiently for the results. Neither of the boys' class won, but E's was a close second.
E has really taken to running. On Saturday, he went out for a run with his Dad. Maybe he will keep it up. Maybe I will get him to run a 5K sometime soon. Well, maybe we will wait until the weather warms back up.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Camping at Camp Rodney
This past weekend, the boys had a camping day with the scouts. The camp site was located a little over an hour north of where we live. The husband decided he would camp with the two older boys. Tee and I drove up separately but spent the morning with the boys.

This was the view from the tent that we put up. The site was located on the Chesapeake. Could not ask for a better view, but that wind was blowing up pretty good for the majority of the day.

The den leader took the boys to do a marble game. The marbles were really balls for a pool table. I got there late and could not understand the object of the game. But they all enjoyed playing and they earned a belt loop for it.

After the marble game which took a long time we decided it was time for lunch. Hot dogs and chips! Tee is wearing E's jacket because it was so cold.


I didn't realize how many different sports they would be able to do at the camp. The boys started off with shooting a BB gun.

Dad had to get in to help!

Jay needing help.

More shooting.
The rest of the pictures are a bit out of order but they got to do so much.

Candle making.

E doing Archery.

Jay doing archery.

E excelled at archery. He looks like a pro.

Jay needed a little help.

E. bouldering.

Jay Bouldering

Jay slingshot.

E. slingshot

Even Tee got to try the slingshot

I was very happy to not be present to see this creature.

Jay and his friend standing near the tent. It is a nice size tent, sleep six.
The boys had to earn the bobcat badge by learning the motto, pledge etc., which we completed prior to this event. The boys were presented with their badge at the campfire with the pack. Unfortunately, the pictures did not turn out well as they are all very dark. My friend got some that I hope she will share with me.
The boys had a great time camping overnight. Jay woke up once during the night and then was up for the morning at 5am. But they can't wait until the next trip.
The boys got home early Sunday morning with enough time to get ready for their baseball game. Needless to say they were exhausted on Sunday.

This was the view from the tent that we put up. The site was located on the Chesapeake. Could not ask for a better view, but that wind was blowing up pretty good for the majority of the day.

The den leader took the boys to do a marble game. The marbles were really balls for a pool table. I got there late and could not understand the object of the game. But they all enjoyed playing and they earned a belt loop for it.

After the marble game which took a long time we decided it was time for lunch. Hot dogs and chips! Tee is wearing E's jacket because it was so cold.


I didn't realize how many different sports they would be able to do at the camp. The boys started off with shooting a BB gun.

Dad had to get in to help!

Jay needing help.

More shooting.
The rest of the pictures are a bit out of order but they got to do so much.

Candle making.

E doing Archery.

Jay doing archery.

E excelled at archery. He looks like a pro.

Jay needed a little help.

E. bouldering.

Jay Bouldering

Jay slingshot.

E. slingshot

Even Tee got to try the slingshot

I was very happy to not be present to see this creature.

Jay and his friend standing near the tent. It is a nice size tent, sleep six.
The boys had to earn the bobcat badge by learning the motto, pledge etc., which we completed prior to this event. The boys were presented with their badge at the campfire with the pack. Unfortunately, the pictures did not turn out well as they are all very dark. My friend got some that I hope she will share with me.
The boys had a great time camping overnight. Jay woke up once during the night and then was up for the morning at 5am. But they can't wait until the next trip.
The boys got home early Sunday morning with enough time to get ready for their baseball game. Needless to say they were exhausted on Sunday.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Just because we don't have enough to do
Last year I asked my boys if they wanted to join the cub scouts and I got a firm no. I asked again this year and got a shrug of the shoulders kind of response. Jay's good friend is in scouts and his Mom heads up one of the dens. She had lost some scouts from her den and had room for them.
The boys and I discussed and we all decided to go for it. The husband and I thought it would be a great experience for them, they would get to do things they wouldn't otherwise and I would hope it would help them get into a little more community volunteering.
It all began with a carnival and campfire in September. The boys had a great time and even participated in a skit with the den.
There are two den meetings a month and then a pack meeting/event once a month.
The boys had to do a little catching up. We successfully accomplished all the steps in order for them to become a Bobcat.
We follow the guide in the book. Some chapters have to be accomplished at home while others are done with the den. For example, earlier this month the boys earned their whittling chip. They learned pocket knife safety as well as whittling.
Last week the boys went on a field trip to the police station. This was a very fun night for the kids but it lasted over 2 hours, on a school night.

The boys standing in front of the station! I think they look darling in their cub scout shirt!
The boys and I discussed and we all decided to go for it. The husband and I thought it would be a great experience for them, they would get to do things they wouldn't otherwise and I would hope it would help them get into a little more community volunteering.
It all began with a carnival and campfire in September. The boys had a great time and even participated in a skit with the den.
There are two den meetings a month and then a pack meeting/event once a month.
The boys had to do a little catching up. We successfully accomplished all the steps in order for them to become a Bobcat.
We follow the guide in the book. Some chapters have to be accomplished at home while others are done with the den. For example, earlier this month the boys earned their whittling chip. They learned pocket knife safety as well as whittling.
Last week the boys went on a field trip to the police station. This was a very fun night for the kids but it lasted over 2 hours, on a school night.

The boys standing in front of the station! I think they look darling in their cub scout shirt!
They were able to have their finger prints taken.
All the parents stressed how you must make good choices in life so that you don't end up in jail.
I enjoyed the field trip as much as the boys. We found out that in order for you to carry a taser, you must be tased first. This is also the case with carrying mace. The officer giving us the tour said that the taser last 5 seconds but it feels more like 15. As with the mace, he said it was worse than being tased. It would feel ok when you had running water on your eyes but as soon as you stopped the burn sensation came back.
We also were able to talk with a canine officer. Interesting that their dogs live with them in their home. The dogs are very aggressive when out in public but are much different when they are home. This particular officer had small children and the dog has no problem with the kids hanging all over him.
Yes, we have one more to do on our plate but I think this one is worth fitting in. We have lots of fun stuff planned in the coming months.
Where were we.....
Oh yeah, the lack of time to get much done and me just getting more to do. I have a few things that I need and have to get off my plate this week. I am trying to complete the end of one fundraiser as we started another one. The next one should not be as difficult. You either want to order cookie dough or not with nothing to return. I am still missing so many coupon books.
I am running the fundraiser at Tee's preschool but that one won't start until November 10th, so I should have some time to rest.
Seems like bullying is a hot subject these days. I have heard there is a situation in our school of bullying. It doesn't seem like it has been handled correctly from what I understand. Each year our principal holds a coffee and conversation for the parents, which was held earlier this month. We as parents send in questions and she get to answer them. It appears that the 5th grade class this year has been a little difficult to handle. In addition to the above mentioned bullying, it appears there are many who have a lack of respect for authority. The principal made mention of kids blatantly laughing at her while she was talking with them about their behavior. I think the saddest part of it all was when she called a parent at work to discuss their child's behavior and they said don't ever call me at work about this again. You handle it. WOW! It all starts at home doesn't it?
We try to let our kids know as often as we can that they need to be kind and considerate to others and show respect for others. I think that is lacking greatly in current times.
Lots has been going on in the last month....I will update as I can.......
I am running the fundraiser at Tee's preschool but that one won't start until November 10th, so I should have some time to rest.
Seems like bullying is a hot subject these days. I have heard there is a situation in our school of bullying. It doesn't seem like it has been handled correctly from what I understand. Each year our principal holds a coffee and conversation for the parents, which was held earlier this month. We as parents send in questions and she get to answer them. It appears that the 5th grade class this year has been a little difficult to handle. In addition to the above mentioned bullying, it appears there are many who have a lack of respect for authority. The principal made mention of kids blatantly laughing at her while she was talking with them about their behavior. I think the saddest part of it all was when she called a parent at work to discuss their child's behavior and they said don't ever call me at work about this again. You handle it. WOW! It all starts at home doesn't it?
We try to let our kids know as often as we can that they need to be kind and considerate to others and show respect for others. I think that is lacking greatly in current times.
Lots has been going on in the last month....I will update as I can.......
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