Thursday, September 23, 2010


Life has just seemed not to slow down since the start of school. I am running a few positions on the PTA which have kept me very busy. Sports have kicked in plus I am having to run Tee back and forth to preschool.

I thought I would have more time but it seems like my time keeps diminishing.

I am co-chairing the fundraising committee for the PTA. We have a coupon book that is out right now and it has bombed. We are kicking ourselves for not backing out of this. The coupons really suck, to say it nicely. This year we have decided to try something different. Instead of hounding people to sell, we are asking for a direct donation. Many school PTA's do this so I am praying that we are successful. However, it would have been nice to be able to sell a good amount of something just in case.

I am also trying to get a website up for the group. Well, I am not creating the website, my FIL's wife is creating. She will then teach me how to update. I am excited about learning something new. But again probably will be a time sucker.

The boys have baseball 4 times a week. They practice 2 times a week for the Spring Travel league and then they practice 1 time a week for the fall league with one game on Sundays. If that wasn't enough, they are in an after school basketball club for the next 4 weeks. I am sure I can add more to their plate, just give me time.

Tee does like going to preschool. He loves ordering his lunch from me in the morning. He especially loves it when he gets a nice little treat.

I am at my time quota off to something different. I do hope to find time to update soon.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

All beaches are created equal

I don't think so but all have sand, water and waves. What else do you need?

I LOVED going to the beach as an older teen/young adult. Love is actually an understatement. I didn't know many people who would go to the beach in between college classes. Of course, my college was near the beach. So I spent a lot of time at the beach. Then reality hit and I was a working adult so beach time was restricted to the weekends.

There is something about the beach that is so relaxing. I still love sitting on the beach listening to the breaking waves and running the sand through my toes. I would love to be able to sleep on the beach but it is not relaxing with 3 young boys running around. But the beach is very therapeutic for me.

A move from Florida to North Carolina really dampened the beach time. I was living about 3 plus hours from the coast. We would schedule summer beach vacations, which is how we found Hilton Head.

Really I was (and am) ok without going to the beach so often. My skin is thanking me now because I know I have done a lot of damage but that is another story. The only time I miss the beach is when I am at the beach.

We have lived in Maryland for almost 3 years and have not been to the shore. We have many neighbors who own places at the beach and spend a lot of time here. It was time for this to change.

We bid and won a weekend stay at a town home on Fenwick Island, Delaware from the school auction. The place belongs to one of our neighbors. Since the boys are off once again today, we decided to pull them from school on Friday and take a long weekend at the beach. We arrived late last night. The drive was about 2 1/2 hours and we had to stop to get something to eat.

The weather is beautiful. A little chilly this morning. The morning was spent at the very quiet deserted beach. The beach is a little different. For example, there is not much of a sandy area on the beach. There were so many shells on the beach. I haven't seen such large non broken shells in a long time.

We sat in our chairs swatting at the biting flies that kept landing on us watching the boys play in the sand. Where did the flies come from and why are they on the beach? We saw dolphins out swimming. We played ladder golf, which is a fun outdoor game. I was able to actually read a little bit of a magazine. No swimming for us as the water temperature is a bit too cold for us. We had a great morning.

I am looking forward to enjoying time at the beach. And although this beach is a little different than what I have been to it will work out just fine.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First day of 3 year old preschool

Tee's first day of preschool was today. He is going to our church preschool. The preschool took a year off (due to a location change) and is now up and running again. It is almost like it is new since it is being run by a new director, which from what I understand is a good thing.

Tee spent the morning saying he did not want to go to preschool. He wants to spend the day with me and who can blame him. I am so much fun.

I ran a little late this morning. It seems like I need to give myself a little more time in the morning to get there. It was a bit hectic and I was late. There was one little girl who was crying her eyes out.

Tee was ok when I dropped him off. I thought he might cling a little but he didn't. Before I left in the morning, I did notice that he found a little boy he went to preschool with last year and was playing with him.

I picked him up and again a little bit of chaos. The parents had to enter the room to pick up their child. But some children stay for lunch. So a little awkward. I am hoping they develop a better strategy. If not, I will be in talking to the director.

He did have a great day although he doesn't want to go back.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It is good to know your neighbors

Last night, before 10 pm we heard Tee up in his room wake up from his sleep with a cough that sounded much like a seal (croup) and some other strange noises. We both headed to his room to check on him. He was coughing and having a hard time breathing. Every breath in would lead to a big cry and him telling me it hurt.

I called the pediatrician's office and she asked us to put him in a bathroom with the hot water running to see if the humidity would clear him up. She also said to go ahead and give him a breathing treatment. I sat in the bathroom with him and it was painful to watch. His chest would sink in each and every time he breathed. Phlegm was coming out. He was a little hysterical. I could not calm him down.

While doing his breathing treatment, my husband called the neighbor who just happens to be a pediatrician at our practice. She came over to look and listen. I have to say she is so good at her job. She is such a nice, calm, soft spoken person. She looked at us and told us to take him to the hospital because he was not moving enough air and seemed very tight in his chest. She said a steroid treatment would help him. She left but said she would call the hospital to let them know we were on our way.

Luckily, the trip to the hospital went well. He could not speak loudly and he knew it. I was just happy he had calmed down and was smiling a little. He did say some of the funniest things on the way to the hospital. I think I used the word "hate" for something. He looks at me and says Mom you should not say that word. How right he is because I tell that to my boys all the time.

We checked in and were taken back to the pediatric area of the er. They confirmed croup and also said he had stridor which means that his airway had swollen so much that it would be like breathing through a straw. A breathing treatment and liquid steroid were given to him and then it was sit back and wait. They wanted us there 2 hours to ensure once the medication wore off it would not come back. I guess there is a possibility of it returning a little worse than when it started.

We got home around 1:30 am. And are we all tired today.

I was looking at the paper work I received regarding his condition. I am assuming he had spasmodic croup which is caused by a cold or allergy. He had been fine yesterday with just a little runny nose. So this did catch us a little off guard.

The neighbor called this morning to check on him. She is so sweet. I think I will send them a little thank you gift.

Tee just fell asleep in my bed as I was folding. So off to get housework completed.