A boy down the street is in 2nd grade as are my boys. The boys don't play with him often. I think he has a little bit of a behavioral problem. In my opinion, the parents let him do, watch and play things that I don't in my house. I am not sure there is much supervision. Honestly, I feel the same way about several parents in this neighborhood.
Last year, he would come down and ask if he could play. He would then have to go home and let his Mom know where he was. I know what you are thinking, it would just be easier if she would come down and talk to me right. When we went inside he would go home. He doesn't live that far away.
He called once or twice this year to have EE go over and swim in his new pool. I can't get into the pool and amenities they put in their backyard. A story for another day. I didn't let him go.
This boy typically plays with another boy in the neighborhood who has a big behavior problem. Every year he gets written up at school several times. And he has been "suspended" from riding the bus.
The boys calls yesterday to see if my boys can play. I had a week moment and said that he could come down at 5pm. My kids were almost done with their homework and I wanted them to play outside and get some fresh air. The Mom didn't come down but she walked him to the end of his driveway.
It really bothers me that she can not talk to me about the kids playing. I don't let my children call their friends, I do it for them. I just don't think they are old enough yet.
There is another Mom in the neighborhood that allows her child to ride his bike down to our house. He comes and goes as he pleases. I would be happy to call her and let her know he was on his way home but she has never asked.
Maybe I am a bit too protective and I am ok with that. I need to know what my kids are doing and who they are with. I am not sure when I will be ok with anything different.
The other night we were sitting at the dinner table and Tee gets his cup bangs it on the table once and says "more milk a**hole". I was sure I didn't hear what I just heard. I asked him to repeat and he said it again. I am hoping that is NOT what he said. I am not sure where he would have heard that word. We don't use it in our family. Part of us thought this was really funny and the other part was blown away.
Tomorrow Tee will have a party at his preschool. He can wear his costume and they will have special treats. The parents were initially invited. But a lot of kids are still having separation issues that they have asked the parents to not come. I am very happy about that because I have things to do tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
A very busy week
There was a lot going on last week. Last Monday, I received a call from the health room at school stating Jay had a fever. The school made it very clear that he was not able to return until he had been fever free for 24 hours. His fever was low and never made it to 101 degrees. He ended up being fine on Tuesday and was able to return to school on Wednesday. It was a little weird.
On Tuesday, the school had the annual golden shoe race. All second grade classes compete to win the coveted golden shoe. The kids run 3/4 of a mile. The class which has all of the students come in first wins the golden shoe. EE came in 16th and Jay was sick.

EE coming into the finish line.

A group picture minus one.

Me and Tee.

The boys and their friends(triplets). The connection between the kids blows my mind. They have been friends since they were about 2 years old. Each time we get them together (which is only about once a year) it seems like they have not missed one beat. How awesome to form such wonderful friendships so young. We have vowed to get the kids together as often as possible.
On Tuesday, the school had the annual golden shoe race. All second grade classes compete to win the coveted golden shoe. The kids run 3/4 of a mile. The class which has all of the students come in first wins the golden shoe. EE came in 16th and Jay was sick.

EE coming into the finish line.
Tee has been learning to ride his trike on his own. It is really cute on how he wants to keep up with the other kids riding their bikes.

Tee posing for me.

Tee posing for me.
On Wednesday, I took the morning and volunteered in the boys' classes. I was in EE's class from 10:15-11:45. I have a need to know what goes on in the class. EE's teacher is absolutely awesome. She is so patient and kind. I spent the morning folding the corners down on a construction paper and then tracing and cutting out a figure. I then went to Jay's class. She forgot I was coming but she had some things for me to do. I organized a sticker box and then made a gazillion copies of different things. I left a little after 1pm and I was wiped out. Jay's teacher is nice but very stern. She likes Jay so much. At least he behaves in class.
On Thursday, I took EE to a pediatric dermatologist. Because of my husband's history with Melanoma, we have to be more careful with our children. As a child my husband had melanoma three times. He is still carefully monitored. This past summer, I took the 2 older boys to have a mole check. EE has a mole in his nether region that has grown in size. The dermatologist I took him to thought it should be removed. He sent us to the specialist. I especially wanted a second opinion. The Dr. thought it looked ok. He asked us to continue to monitor them and bring them back in about 1 1/2 years.
On Friday, the school held the medal ceremony for children who completed a certain portion of their summer workbooks. I always have my children work on these during the summer. It is nice that they get recognized for their work.

We had been anxiously counting down the arrival of our friends from South Carolina. My friend and her husband ran the Marine Corp Marathon this past weekend. They stayed with us on Friday night. We went down to DC for the day. We were so lucky that they rain held off until the afternoon.

A group picture minus one.

Me and Tee.

The boys and their friends(triplets). The connection between the kids blows my mind. They have been friends since they were about 2 years old. Each time we get them together (which is only about once a year) it seems like they have not missed one beat. How awesome to form such wonderful friendships so young. We have vowed to get the kids together as often as possible.
The girls came home from DC with us on Saturday night and stayed with us one more night. Their grandparents picked them up on Sunday morning. What a fun time we had.
A magnet update. I am happy to report that Tee has had 2 bowel movements today. I am going to assume the magnet has made its way out. Tee is still talking about swallowing the magnet.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
There always has to be a first
We are always so diligent about capturing kid's first. There is the first smile and walking for the first time and the many other milestones we wait for. Each of my boys has a calendar documenting when their "firsts" took place. But between you and I sometimes I had to make a guesstimates. When I had the twins it was overwhelming to document everything and then when I had Tee I had so much else to do.
As with all things, there always has to be that first visit to the ER. We remember Jay's first trip. He was about 3 jumping on the sofa and hit the edge of the coffee table on his eye. I looked at it and immediately knew it was going to need stitches. I have to say I am the calm one in the family. My husband tends to get worked up to the point that I have to knock him down a bit. He will deny this but it is true. EE's first trip was when he was having pain in his stomach and had to be hospitalized. That was a little over 2 years ago right before we moved to Md.
Tee was certianly not wanting to be left out. We have had a really busy weekend. I will write more about that later. I tried to put him down for a nap today but he was not interested. I let him out of his room after an hour. He was playing in the sunroom while I was getting dinner ready. I was in the process of making chilli.
He showed me a magnet from his easel. I asked him to put the magnet away and turned around to finish browning my meat. The next thing I know I hear Tee cough and then call my name. I asked him where the piece went and he pointed to his mouth. I asked him if he swallowed the piece and he said yes. I looked around and I did not see it anywhere.
My husband got home from dropping the boys off at a birthday party and we were off to the ER. I cringed when I walked in the doors. So many people in there sick and wearing masks. They whisked us off to the Pediatric area which was good. There were not too many people in that area. But then a little boy came in and he did not look well. We waited about an hour or so to get our x-ray. After waiting here and there for a little bit we were taken back to a room.
The magnet had made it down to his stomach. It had made it through the most dangerous areas. The Dr. was sure it would work its way out within the next day or so. We had Tee drink some juice and eat some cookies to make sure he could hold food down. If he had any issues it would indicate that the object did some damage to his esophogus. He didn't and we were discharged.
Our time there was a little over 2 1/2 hours. Not that bad in my eyes. As for dinner, chilli will be made tomorrow.
As with all things, there always has to be that first visit to the ER. We remember Jay's first trip. He was about 3 jumping on the sofa and hit the edge of the coffee table on his eye. I looked at it and immediately knew it was going to need stitches. I have to say I am the calm one in the family. My husband tends to get worked up to the point that I have to knock him down a bit. He will deny this but it is true. EE's first trip was when he was having pain in his stomach and had to be hospitalized. That was a little over 2 years ago right before we moved to Md.
Tee was certianly not wanting to be left out. We have had a really busy weekend. I will write more about that later. I tried to put him down for a nap today but he was not interested. I let him out of his room after an hour. He was playing in the sunroom while I was getting dinner ready. I was in the process of making chilli.
He showed me a magnet from his easel. I asked him to put the magnet away and turned around to finish browning my meat. The next thing I know I hear Tee cough and then call my name. I asked him where the piece went and he pointed to his mouth. I asked him if he swallowed the piece and he said yes. I looked around and I did not see it anywhere.
My husband got home from dropping the boys off at a birthday party and we were off to the ER. I cringed when I walked in the doors. So many people in there sick and wearing masks. They whisked us off to the Pediatric area which was good. There were not too many people in that area. But then a little boy came in and he did not look well. We waited about an hour or so to get our x-ray. After waiting here and there for a little bit we were taken back to a room.
The magnet had made it down to his stomach. It had made it through the most dangerous areas. The Dr. was sure it would work its way out within the next day or so. We had Tee drink some juice and eat some cookies to make sure he could hold food down. If he had any issues it would indicate that the object did some damage to his esophogus. He didn't and we were discharged.
Our time there was a little over 2 1/2 hours. Not that bad in my eyes. As for dinner, chilli will be made tomorrow.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The weekend has come to an end
After 3 full days and nights of constant rain sometimes down pouring, freezing temperatures and maybe some sleet mixed in with rain, it has FINALLY stopped. Our high temperatures were records for the last few days. I thought I was going to go stir crazy if it kept raining today.
As you have guessed we have had a very wet weekend. The boys' were out of school on Friday and they were not well behaved. I was anxious of what Saturday was going to be like.
The boys and I were scheduled for our flu shots on Saturday. I had made up my mind that the boys would NOT get the swine flu shot just the regular seasonal flu shot. I wasn't asked about it when I made our appointment and honestly I didn't think my office would have a supply. When we checked in my husband confirmed that he wanted to two older boys to get the swine flu vaccination. I guess at some point prior to the appointment I should have made my concerns vocal to him. I really didn't want them to get it and my husband could not understand why. We ended up deciding to have them get both.
The office was packed and we waited an hour to have our shots administered. There were 2 nurses working and we were hoping for one over the other, which we were happy to get. The delay was being caused by the paperwork requirement for the swine flu vaccination. Tee was the first one up and he did not shed one tear. I went next and then Jay. When it came to Ee's turn he freaked out a bit. My husband had to hold him on his lap.
We decided to keep the kids out of the house for a while. We went out to lunch and then to the bookstore. At the bookstore I had a lady approach me and start talking to me. I think she was a little off. She started by saying how looking at Tee brought back memories. She has a 9 and 13 year old. She just took white flour, processed sugar and a whole bunch of other stuff out of their diet because her son was struggling with his memory. She said he has gotten so much better and she lost 20 pounds already. She then changes the subject to tell me that she lost 8 pregnancies, 7 miscarriages and 1 ectopic. So her kids mean everything to her. Luckily, she was called away by her son because I honestly did not know what to say to her. Not that I had one chance to get a word in mind you.
Saturday afternoon we watched the movie Nim's Island. The boys enjoyed it and it broke up our afternoon a bit.
On Sunday, we decided to take the boys to the Aquarium. We have an annual membership that we had yet to use this year. We like it because we typically go but don't like to stay the entire day. It just so happened that Diego was visiting and Tee was able to get his picture taken with him. I will upload it tomorrow. He was so happy.
We took a few other pictures as well and I will hopefully download them tomorrow. I have a supper busy week. A few Dr. appointments (me and Ee) and several school commitments. On Friday, one of my friends in coming in town. Her and her husband are running the DC marathon on Sunday. My boys are so excited to visit with her triplet girls. I believe they are going to stay with us Saturday evening. Should be fun.
As you have guessed we have had a very wet weekend. The boys' were out of school on Friday and they were not well behaved. I was anxious of what Saturday was going to be like.
The boys and I were scheduled for our flu shots on Saturday. I had made up my mind that the boys would NOT get the swine flu shot just the regular seasonal flu shot. I wasn't asked about it when I made our appointment and honestly I didn't think my office would have a supply. When we checked in my husband confirmed that he wanted to two older boys to get the swine flu vaccination. I guess at some point prior to the appointment I should have made my concerns vocal to him. I really didn't want them to get it and my husband could not understand why. We ended up deciding to have them get both.
The office was packed and we waited an hour to have our shots administered. There were 2 nurses working and we were hoping for one over the other, which we were happy to get. The delay was being caused by the paperwork requirement for the swine flu vaccination. Tee was the first one up and he did not shed one tear. I went next and then Jay. When it came to Ee's turn he freaked out a bit. My husband had to hold him on his lap.
We decided to keep the kids out of the house for a while. We went out to lunch and then to the bookstore. At the bookstore I had a lady approach me and start talking to me. I think she was a little off. She started by saying how looking at Tee brought back memories. She has a 9 and 13 year old. She just took white flour, processed sugar and a whole bunch of other stuff out of their diet because her son was struggling with his memory. She said he has gotten so much better and she lost 20 pounds already. She then changes the subject to tell me that she lost 8 pregnancies, 7 miscarriages and 1 ectopic. So her kids mean everything to her. Luckily, she was called away by her son because I honestly did not know what to say to her. Not that I had one chance to get a word in mind you.
Saturday afternoon we watched the movie Nim's Island. The boys enjoyed it and it broke up our afternoon a bit.
On Sunday, we decided to take the boys to the Aquarium. We have an annual membership that we had yet to use this year. We like it because we typically go but don't like to stay the entire day. It just so happened that Diego was visiting and Tee was able to get his picture taken with him. I will upload it tomorrow. He was so happy.
We took a few other pictures as well and I will hopefully download them tomorrow. I have a supper busy week. A few Dr. appointments (me and Ee) and several school commitments. On Friday, one of my friends in coming in town. Her and her husband are running the DC marathon on Sunday. My boys are so excited to visit with her triplet girls. I believe they are going to stay with us Saturday evening. Should be fun.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Color Wonder saves the afternoon
It has not stopped raining since yesterday. Constant drizzle. And it will be around through Sunday. In fact, they are calling for a snowy mix on Sunday. I have had to check my calendar twice, it is just October right?
The rain means we are stuck inside today. Did I mention school is out today? I was ready to pull my hair out by 9am. There has been nothing but crankiness and fighting all morning, except the 1 hour that I let the boys watch TV while I was running on the treadmill. This goes for all 3 boys.
I started laundry this morning. I went to change it over and as soon as I opened the washer I wanted to say a few choice words. Yes, once again I washed a pull up. This is so aggravating to me. I wash all of Tee's clothes together and I don't have to pick through them. I take them from the hamper to the basket and from the basket to the machine. I will have to put up a reminder note to look through his clothes.
We had to pick up my niece at lunch time to take her to get her car at the service place. She decided she would take us out to eat at the chicken place. I thought this would be a nice distraction for the kids. We ate and then the boys traded their toy for ice cream. Not everyone knows that you can do that. I kept hoping the play area would start clearing out. It was close to 1:30. The boys ended up finishing and we headed on over to the play area. It was crowded. Ee and Jay were not that interested in playing with so many people. Tee was a little uneasy as well. We let him play for a while and then decide to leave.
I thought since we were out it would be a good time to stop by the toy store for a few gifts. Tee's friend has a birthday coming up and the boys are invited to a party next weekend. It is for a female friend and I am not sure what to get for her. We may end up with gift cards, I always look for the safe gift. Tee did not want to go but I made him. I didn't find anything for either child. By this point I was frustrated and we left.
As we were driving home, Tee fell asleep in the car. Luckily, I was able to get him in bed right when we got home and he fell back to sleep. The moment I came to sit at my computer the other 2 started fighting again and being very loud. I tell them that their brother is sleeping and that they need to be quiet. Jay decides to go play the piano. I don't get it either. I looked over and saw the 2 color wonders (star wars) that I had purchased for a trip but never gave to the boys. They were so excited. They are sitting at the table quietly coloring. I am hoping this will buy me a little time this afternoon.
On my list for the weekend is to go to the craft store and get different crafts for the boys to do on a rainy/snowy day. They love it and it keeps them happy.
I am sure in a few hours the TV will be back on for a while. But for right now I am going to rest and maybe read one of my magazines.
The rain means we are stuck inside today. Did I mention school is out today? I was ready to pull my hair out by 9am. There has been nothing but crankiness and fighting all morning, except the 1 hour that I let the boys watch TV while I was running on the treadmill. This goes for all 3 boys.
I started laundry this morning. I went to change it over and as soon as I opened the washer I wanted to say a few choice words. Yes, once again I washed a pull up. This is so aggravating to me. I wash all of Tee's clothes together and I don't have to pick through them. I take them from the hamper to the basket and from the basket to the machine. I will have to put up a reminder note to look through his clothes.
We had to pick up my niece at lunch time to take her to get her car at the service place. She decided she would take us out to eat at the chicken place. I thought this would be a nice distraction for the kids. We ate and then the boys traded their toy for ice cream. Not everyone knows that you can do that. I kept hoping the play area would start clearing out. It was close to 1:30. The boys ended up finishing and we headed on over to the play area. It was crowded. Ee and Jay were not that interested in playing with so many people. Tee was a little uneasy as well. We let him play for a while and then decide to leave.
I thought since we were out it would be a good time to stop by the toy store for a few gifts. Tee's friend has a birthday coming up and the boys are invited to a party next weekend. It is for a female friend and I am not sure what to get for her. We may end up with gift cards, I always look for the safe gift. Tee did not want to go but I made him. I didn't find anything for either child. By this point I was frustrated and we left.
As we were driving home, Tee fell asleep in the car. Luckily, I was able to get him in bed right when we got home and he fell back to sleep. The moment I came to sit at my computer the other 2 started fighting again and being very loud. I tell them that their brother is sleeping and that they need to be quiet. Jay decides to go play the piano. I don't get it either. I looked over and saw the 2 color wonders (star wars) that I had purchased for a trip but never gave to the boys. They were so excited. They are sitting at the table quietly coloring. I am hoping this will buy me a little time this afternoon.
On my list for the weekend is to go to the craft store and get different crafts for the boys to do on a rainy/snowy day. They love it and it keeps them happy.
I am sure in a few hours the TV will be back on for a while. But for right now I am going to rest and maybe read one of my magazines.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sally homemaker
I have had around 13 pounds of apples sitting in my fridge since we went on our apple picking adventure. My normal mornings are a bit busy and by the time nap time comes I have little time to get a few things done and then showered. Wednesdays tend to be the day that I don't rush off in the morning and can get a task or a phone call made.
Tee had his twin friends over this morning. They had a nice time playing and the grownup had a nice time chatting.
As soon as lunch was done, I started in the kitchen. First I made apple bread. I then made apple crisp. We will have the apple crisp for dessert tonight. I still have a little less than 1/2 of the apples we picked. It may mean another apple bread loaf.
I was actually able to get the house cleaned up this morning as well. But I know that it won't last long but I have relished in it and have about 20 minutes until it will get disrupted.
Tee has a field trip to a farm tomorrow. They have a petting zoo, hayride and a pumpkin patch. The weather is calling for rain tomorrow. The field trip is rain or shine. I have no desire to go if it is raining. I heard it is not good to go the day after it rains much less when it is raining. I am glad to know that the school will offer refunds if you decide in the morning to cancel.
Tee had his twin friends over this morning. They had a nice time playing and the grownup had a nice time chatting.
As soon as lunch was done, I started in the kitchen. First I made apple bread. I then made apple crisp. We will have the apple crisp for dessert tonight. I still have a little less than 1/2 of the apples we picked. It may mean another apple bread loaf.
I was actually able to get the house cleaned up this morning as well. But I know that it won't last long but I have relished in it and have about 20 minutes until it will get disrupted.
Tee has a field trip to a farm tomorrow. They have a petting zoo, hayride and a pumpkin patch. The weather is calling for rain tomorrow. The field trip is rain or shine. I have no desire to go if it is raining. I heard it is not good to go the day after it rains much less when it is raining. I am glad to know that the school will offer refunds if you decide in the morning to cancel.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
My first
I have been running for almost a year now. I have worked out on and off for many many years now. I have also at time run for my exercise. The last time I was serious about running was when the husband and I were together, before kids actually before we were married.
I decided to add running to my exercise regiment for a few reasons. Tee tends to get sick during the winter which mean I can't get to the gym. We purchased a treadmill about 9 months ago.
So I started running on the treadmill and worked my way up to about 7 miles over a long period of time. I had not been running outdoors until recently. My friend sparked an interest in running but she had to take some time to build endurance. Running in my neighborhood is very hard as there are so many hills. But I have been running outside as much as I can. My friend and I have been running together once a week either here or around a trail at a park.
We decided that we needed to work towards a goal so we signed up for a 5k. We ran the 5k this past weekend as part of the Baltimore Marathon. My time was 29 minutes and my friend came in just a bit after me at 31:33.
We had a nice time and now that we know what it is like we are thinking about signing up for another one. We may even consider doing a relay event with a few other ladies.
I decided to add running to my exercise regiment for a few reasons. Tee tends to get sick during the winter which mean I can't get to the gym. We purchased a treadmill about 9 months ago.
So I started running on the treadmill and worked my way up to about 7 miles over a long period of time. I had not been running outdoors until recently. My friend sparked an interest in running but she had to take some time to build endurance. Running in my neighborhood is very hard as there are so many hills. But I have been running outside as much as I can. My friend and I have been running together once a week either here or around a trail at a park.
We decided that we needed to work towards a goal so we signed up for a 5k. We ran the 5k this past weekend as part of the Baltimore Marathon. My time was 29 minutes and my friend came in just a bit after me at 31:33.
We had a nice time and now that we know what it is like we are thinking about signing up for another one. We may even consider doing a relay event with a few other ladies.
We were approached 4 or 5 times for a picture together. Here is one of them.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Busy with the PTA
My PTA work has kept me busy this week. The membership cards had to be distributed to the grades yesterday to make it in the Friday folders. It was a lot of work getting 403 cards ready. We are starting our second push for membership today. The second push involved drafting another letter to go out to those who have not joined yet. Luckily, the co-chair is very creative and was able to whip something together. I am now ready for the second batch that should start next week.
This week I also helped host the coffee and conversation that is held every year. It is an opportunity to ask questions to the principal and vp. An interesting topic was discussed. There are about 700 students in our school. Twenty of those students have severe allergies that they require an epi-pen. On the last Friday of every month, the students enjoy a little celebration with a special snack and drink. Awards are handed out to students who are respectful, responsible and ready. Last Friday, a child had an allergic reaction and the school had to react quickly. The child is allergic to milk and ate cheese covered popcorn. The child nor the teacher thought about milk being in the cheese. The child is fine and was able to recover quickly.
The principal asked those who were at the meeting if any of us had children with allergies. This one ladies raises her hand and says that her children are "allergic" to foods that contain red dye. I honestly wanted to drop on the floor. I am not sure how she could compare herself to a mother who has a child with very real severe allergies. She went on to say that red dye makes her children very hyper. My thought is that it is her personal choice not to give her children red dye and that is fine. But honestly I would not put her in the same category as someone who has a child with allergies.
The PTA is proving to be interesting again this year. My neighbor is the president and has had such a hard time with so many individuals. This one guy on the board continues to commit himself to a lot of projects and follow through on none of them. A lady on the board has befriended the guy and I have to tell you that I think they are both crazy. They have already made a name for themselves at school with the staff (not a good thing). Together they displayed the school spirit wear for 4th graders during their lunch time. They asked the kids to take a look and they also gave out tickets (tickets are used as a positive behavior reward which can then be used to purchase an item) to students. They did not get approval to be there and really ticked off a lot of the administration. The other thing that crazy guy did was put letters in kids' folders (in his child's class) regarding a party he was hosting on a weekend. He was getting everyone together at a park and asking for donations to order pizza. One parent did not like this and talked with the principal. This guy has twins and I can tell you every teacher is hoping the kids don't make it to their classroom in the future.
I could go on and on about all the drama in this PTA. It truly is unbelievable in my opinion. I feel like the PTA is so important within the school. They are able to offer so many nice programs and events for the children. It is a great way to be involved and know what is going on. And these are the reasons that I will continue to be a part of the organization. I am trying to pace myself as in another 3 years Tee will be starting Kindergarten. That is a lot of years.
It has been a busy week and I am ready for a little relaxation this weekend. It is supposed to be a nice weekend but then get cold for most of next week. I am not ready to pull out my sweaters just yet.
This week I also helped host the coffee and conversation that is held every year. It is an opportunity to ask questions to the principal and vp. An interesting topic was discussed. There are about 700 students in our school. Twenty of those students have severe allergies that they require an epi-pen. On the last Friday of every month, the students enjoy a little celebration with a special snack and drink. Awards are handed out to students who are respectful, responsible and ready. Last Friday, a child had an allergic reaction and the school had to react quickly. The child is allergic to milk and ate cheese covered popcorn. The child nor the teacher thought about milk being in the cheese. The child is fine and was able to recover quickly.
The principal asked those who were at the meeting if any of us had children with allergies. This one ladies raises her hand and says that her children are "allergic" to foods that contain red dye. I honestly wanted to drop on the floor. I am not sure how she could compare herself to a mother who has a child with very real severe allergies. She went on to say that red dye makes her children very hyper. My thought is that it is her personal choice not to give her children red dye and that is fine. But honestly I would not put her in the same category as someone who has a child with allergies.
The PTA is proving to be interesting again this year. My neighbor is the president and has had such a hard time with so many individuals. This one guy on the board continues to commit himself to a lot of projects and follow through on none of them. A lady on the board has befriended the guy and I have to tell you that I think they are both crazy. They have already made a name for themselves at school with the staff (not a good thing). Together they displayed the school spirit wear for 4th graders during their lunch time. They asked the kids to take a look and they also gave out tickets (tickets are used as a positive behavior reward which can then be used to purchase an item) to students. They did not get approval to be there and really ticked off a lot of the administration. The other thing that crazy guy did was put letters in kids' folders (in his child's class) regarding a party he was hosting on a weekend. He was getting everyone together at a park and asking for donations to order pizza. One parent did not like this and talked with the principal. This guy has twins and I can tell you every teacher is hoping the kids don't make it to their classroom in the future.
I could go on and on about all the drama in this PTA. It truly is unbelievable in my opinion. I feel like the PTA is so important within the school. They are able to offer so many nice programs and events for the children. It is a great way to be involved and know what is going on. And these are the reasons that I will continue to be a part of the organization. I am trying to pace myself as in another 3 years Tee will be starting Kindergarten. That is a lot of years.
It has been a busy week and I am ready for a little relaxation this weekend. It is supposed to be a nice weekend but then get cold for most of next week. I am not ready to pull out my sweaters just yet.
Monday, October 5, 2009
A beautiful fall weekend
Saturday turned out to be such a beautiful day. We decided to take the boys to a farm to pick apples. They were all very excited about our adventure. The farm is about a 30 minute drive from our house. They are open certain months of the year and have all sorts of fruit and vegetable picking based on what is in season. I have wanted to do this for so long and I am glad we finally did it.

There are so many different kinds of apples to choose from. We got a variety and tried to get more of one used for baking.

We tried to teach the boys how to determine if an apple was good and worth picking. When we arrived the signs say if you pick it you bought it. The fields were filled with apples on the ground though.

We tried to teach the boys how to determine if an apple was good and worth picking. When we arrived the signs say if you pick it you bought it. The fields were filled with apples on the ground though.
The farm had pumpkins but we decided to wait and go to a local farm stand near our house. They had some very large pumpkins there. Here the kids are sitting on one.
The boys loved the hay ride. Part of the ride was in the woods and there were different scenes set up. For example, they had the houses of the 3 little pigs with the wolf standing at the house made of brick. They also had little red riding hood and many more.
We had a great time. I ended up making Fried Apples last night. It is was very easy and very delicious. You melt butter, then add the apples, apple pie spice and 3/4 cup brown sugar. Saute until the apples are tender. Tonight I will make apple bread. Now only another 13 lbs of apples to use.
On Sunday, the boys had 2 baseball games. We were rained out last weekend and were able to make that game up yesterday. We were blessed with another beautiful day. Jay had a home run in the first game and EE had one in the second. They were both so excited about their first home runs.
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