My husband has the week off. The week will mainly be a "staycation" but we did manage to have a little fun early this week.
A few months ago when I visited my friend in Pa. we talked about meeting in Hershey Park. It just so happens that she and her husband have the same week of vacation. Our plan was to meet at the park.
We ended up getting there before my friend so we did a few rides while waiting.

Tee was looking at the ride he was about to get on.

Here he is on his very first ride, the balloon flite. He liked it the first few times around and then he was crying a little. He remembers the ride and he also remembers crying.

The boys rode on the carousel.

We got family pictures early in the day. It was so incredibly hot this day. We were full of sweat the entire day.

The boys were good sports in riding rides with Tee.

My husband and my friend's husband rode on a ride called Storm Runner. It takes you out on the track and counts down from 10. Then it shoots off like a rocket at 70 miles per hour. It goes every which way it can. Not a ride for me.
In fact, I did not ride on any rides. I was typically the one either with Tee or taking pictures. I do not like roller coasters so I was fine. The boys rode on one little roller coaster. Ee loved riding on the Swings up in the air. He went on 2 times. Jay did not want to have anything to do with them. He was definitely a little more conservative. He rode a rocket ship towards the very end. It is a ride in which you get to decide how high you go. You can go all the way to the top or stay in between by pulling on the lever. As he and his Dad were getting buckled in he says that he has to go to the bathroom. He stayed in the middle for the ride.
We let the kids play in the water area for a little while as well. It was a nice little cool off for a very hot day. They did not do any of the rides but played in the little fountain area.
Tee was so exhausted. Luckily, my friend brought a stroller with them (I had an umbrella stroller) which she let me use for Tee to take a nap. He got a good 1 hour cat nap. This was certainly a blessing otherwise he would have turned into a crank and we would have had to leave the park.
We were able to have dinner in the park and then went and toured the Hershey Chocolate Factory. It was very neat and I am glad we were able to do it that evening instead of going back the next day.
We had the best time. My boys and my friend's boys get along so well. I am hoping we can get them together again soon. Her boys are very well behaved.
We ended up at our hotel around 8:30. It was the worst night sleep I have gotten in a long time. Jay was having a hard time staying asleep. He kept getting up to go to the bathroom. We had the ice maker on so that we have ice for the cooler the next morning. I woke up every time the tray turned over. The hotel was off the highway and all night long you could hear the trucks driving by shifting their gears. Then morning started at 5:30.
On Tuesday, we drove to an outlet mall that was sort of on the way home. We were all tired but we managed to shop a little before we headed home.
The rest of the week will consist of house projects that we need to get done. We are also getting ready for the "work" family party this weekend. Hopefully, after this weekend we will spend some time on the weekends doing and visiting some of the places I wanted to do this week.